Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Project Management Control and Objectives

Question: Discuss about the Project Management Control and Objectives. Answer: Introduction The project is developed in relation with developing a proper framework for the discussion help on Assignment 1. To manage the project is one of the most crucial task, it is hard to make a conclusion on the single sheet of paper. Various evaluations and the analysis are attached with any kind of project. It is required that appropriate information should be gathered in relation with the project management aspects so as to ensure that the proper direction should be provided to the project which is being started by the company. Managing the tanks and maintaining them in a proper way will require a proper investment and investing required huge funds which should be planned in an appropriate way. The project is being developed in concentration with the petroleum company which is planning to ensure that unleaded petrol storage tanks could be managed and the unnecessary costs that are being paid by the company could be reduced. Various project management techniques and information related with the cost that would indulge in the project will be availed in this report so that proper direction could be provided to the company to ensure that it could succeed in managing the repair and the repaint work. Budget Preparing the budget is the first and the foremost aspects attached with any project. Budget provides an appropriate direction to the company with the help of which the project could be managed in a proper way (Mauboussin, 2012). To ensure that the repair and the repaint of the tanks of the company could be effectively managed it is required that proper set of budget should be developed with the effect of which company could succeed in its plans. Budget Particulars Expenses $ Maintenance of the Tanks 1 2500 Maintenance of the Tanks 2 2500 Maintenance of the Tanks 2 2500 Paint of all four tanks 5000 Labor Expenses 2500 Pipeline Maintenance 2500 Project Management Team 2500 Material Expenses 2500 Continuous testing of leakage and quality of work 2500 Total $ 25000 The budget that is being developed will help the company in managing the work in an appropriate manner. Preparing the proper plans and evaluating all the aspects which requires proper investment and indulged in the continuous improvement process. Improving all the aspects indulge in the project will help in reducing the expenses and effectively processing the project management aspects. Indulging in such type of aspects helps in moving on the path of success and sustainability (Povilaitis, 2014). Identifying the Keymilestones for the project deliverables Identifying the milestones for the project deliverables is one of the most effective methods which could be used by the company to manage the project (Young , 2013). A milestone helps the company to provide a set direction with the help of which it could manage the inside aspects related with the project. This process helps the organization to create the clear and attainable plans and also helps the organization in monitoring the progress. Developing the milestones for the project helps in laying out all the urgency of each and every step of the project. For setting successful milestone for the project it is required that the organization should focus upon certain aspects like: The milestones which are developed by the company should be specific. Developing the specific milestones for the company will provide a proper set of support system. It is required that the company should develop the understanding with the aspect that the project deliverables which should be developed should be concise and provide the better support to the company with the help of which organization could sustain to attain all the project goals (Bernroider, et. al., 2011). It is required that the project milestones which should be developed by the organization should be attainable and should get completed within the timeframes required by the company. Doing so will help the organizations to process the work in a proper manner and complete the project within the budget which is being developed by the organization. A proper start time should be developed for each and every activity and it is also required to set the deadlines with the effect of which work could be completed by keeping them on priorities and ensuring that the work could be completed within the time frame will help the organization in completing the repair and repaint work appropriately (?iutien?, et. al., 2012). It is required that the progressive milestone should be developed and the linear path and progression should be developed by the company. Repair and repaint work should be done in a proper manner because it requires huge investment and also company will not be able to afford any breach or loop in the project management aspects. Significant is one of the most important aspects attached with the project, in case if the project milestones which are set by the company are not significant them the company will not be able to complete the project within the timelines (Collins, 2011). It is required that the milestone which are set by the company should not be too specific or too small or they should be two big because such type of milestones could have a direct impact on the project which could cause a huge loss to the company. Gantt. Chart Activities Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8 Week 9 Get quotation from repair companies (4 days) Procure material (3 Days) Appoint required staff (2 Days) Start repair and repaint work of tank 1 (6 Days) Start repair and repaint work of tank 2 (12 Days) Start repair and repaint work of tank 3 (20 Days) Testing of leakage and quality of work (3 Days) This Gantt chart will help in completing the project in an appropriate way and will help in scheduling and setting the things on priorities and will ensure to provide a proper support system for the project with the help of which company could sustain in the market (Fewings, 2013). Resources Requiredfor Succesfull Completion of the Project There are various set of resources which are required to be focused upon by the company so as to ensure that the project could be completed within the required time and with the procedures which are required to be completed within the set time framework (Movahedian Attar, et. al., 2013). Applying the appropriate set of project development techniques and resources so as to process the project is one of the most important aspects attached with the management of the project in an appropriate manner. Procure material are required so that the project could be completed, it is required that proper set of material should be used like paints, and the repair materials like concrete, steals, adhesives etc. Repair and the repaint of the tanks requires that all the material which is being used should be used in a proper quantity as well as proper quality (Phillips, et. al., 2010). Quality of the material should be maintained because it was the matter of the highly flame able products. Company is investing a huge amount in the maintenance of the project so as to repair and repaint the tanks so it is required that proper set of material should be used to complete the project in a proper manner. Appointment of the required staff is another important aspects which should be focused upon by the organization (Yang, 2013). To ensure that the project could be completed within the required time frame company should invest on the project management team which could develop appropriate plans for the project. It is required that the company should recruit and select the staff on contract basis so that after completion of the same company could ensure to provide effective set of support. Appoint the staff on the contract basis on a particular project ensures that the company could reduce the unnecessary cost which will have to pay by the company to the staff which are hired by it (Heagney, 2012). Appoint appropriate number of the staff members within for the particular time period ensures that the company could sustain in completing the project within the required deadlines and within the particular budget which is being planned by the organization. It is required that the organization should use the critical path method so as to choose mots appropriate way to complete the project, Critical path method is one of the method which helps the company in choosing most appropriate path so as to complete the tasks in the most effective as well as suitable way (Mauboussin, 2012). It helps in ensuring that the unnecessary expenses of the organization could get reduced and the company could succeed to manage the work in most effective as well as simpler way. Proper evaluations should be done by the project management team in relation with choosing the most effective path to complete the project within the required deadlines (Povilaitis, 2014). Repair and repaint work of the tanks should be done in which it is required that the company should focus upon developing the most appropriate path so as to complete the tasks. Bifurcating the project into sub tasks will ensure to provide most appropriate path to complete it. It is required that the organization should focus upon equal distribution of the work among the teams. Ensuring that the project should get completed within the appropriate time frames it is required that the company should bifurcate the projects tasks equally among all the staff members so that they could work appropriately on the project and ensure to complete the project with quality (Young , 2013). Conclision At the end it could be concluded that managing a project is one of the most crucial tasks attached with the company. It is required that the companies should develop their focus upon working on the tools and technologies with the help of which companies could ensure to complete the project with quality. It is required that the organization should work on the resources which it will use in the project management aspects, ensuring to use the most appropriate tools and techniques will provide a proper set of support to the organization with the help of which it will be able to complete the repair and the repaint work of the tank in an appropriate way. Focusing upon the identifying the milestones to complete the project in a most appropriate way will help the company to sustain in the market. It is required that the organization should work towards to develop a proper set of Gantt chart because it helps in working on the tasks by keeping them in priorities and ensures to fulfill the requ irements of the project and helps in managing it in the most appropriate manner. References Bernroider, E. and Ivanov, M. (2011). IT project management control and the Control Objectives for IT and related Technology (CobiT) framework.International Journal of Project Management, 29(3), pp.325-336. ?iutien?, R. and Petrauskas, P. (2012). Management By Objectives Using Coaching.Economics And Management, 17(4), pp.122-126. Collins, R. (2011).Project management. 1st ed. New York: Nova Science Publishers. Fewings, P. (2013).Construction project management. 1st ed. New York: Spon Press/Routledge. Movahedian Attar, A., Khanzadi, M., Dabirian, S. and Kalhor, E. (2013). Forecasting contractor's deviation from the client objectives in prequalification model using support vector regression.International Journal of Project Management, 31(6), pp.924-936. Phillips, J. and Phillips, P. (2010). The power of objectives: Moving beyond learning objectives.Performance Improvement, 49(6), pp.17-24. Yang, L. (2013). Key practices, manufacturing capability and attainment of manufacturing goals: The perspective of project/engineer-to-order manufacturing.International Journal of Project Management, 31(1), pp.109-125. Heagney, J. (2012). Fundamentals of Project Management. New York: AMACOM. Mauboussin, M. J. (2012). The True Measures of Success. London: Harward Business Review. Povilaitis, S. (2014, September 9). Acceptance Criteria. Retrieved from Young , T. L. (2013). Successful Project Management. Canada: Kogan Page Limited.

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