Friday, September 4, 2020
The Doomed Journey of Panfilo de Narvaez in Florida
The Doomed Journey of Panfilo de Narvaez in Florida Panfilo de Narvaez (1470-1528) was destined to a privileged family in Vallenda, Spain. Despite the fact that he was more seasoned than most Spaniards who looked for their fortunes in the New World, he all things considered was very dynamic in the early success time frame. He was a significant figure in the triumphs of Jamaica and Cuba in the years somewhere in the range of 1509 and 1512. He gained a notoriety for mercilessness; Bartolome de Las Casas, who was a minister on the Cuba battle, related appalling stories of slaughters and boss being scorched alive. In Pursuit of Cortes In 1518, the legislative leader of Cuba, Diego Velazquez, had sent the youthful conquistador Hernan Cortes off to Mexico to start the success of the territory. Velazquez soon lamented his activities, in any case, and chose to put another person in control. He sent Narvaez, with an enormous power of in excess of 1,000 Spanish warriors, to Mexico to assume responsibility for the campaign and send Cortes back to Cuba. Cortes, who was crushing the Aztec Empire, needed to leave the as of late curbed capital of Tenochtitlan to come back to the coast to battle Narvaez. The Battle of Cempoala On May 28, 1520, the powers of the two conquistadores conflicted at Cempoala, close to introduce day Veracruz, and Cortes won. A significant number of Narvaez’s officers abandoned when the fight, joining Cortes. Narvaez himself was imprisoned in the port of Veracruz for the following two years, while Cortes held control of the undertaking and the tremendous riches that accompanied it. A New Expedition Narvaez came back to Spain subsequent to being discharged. Persuaded that there were increasingly well off domains like the Aztecs toward the north, he mounted an endeavor that was destined to get one of the most amazing disappointments ever. Narvaez got consent from King Charles V of Spain to mount an endeavor into Florida. He set sail in April 1527 with five boats and around 600 Spanish fighters and travelers. Expression of the wealth earned by Cortes and his men made discovering volunteers simple. In April 1528, the endeavor arrived in Florida, close to introduce day Tampa Bay. By at that point, huge numbers of the warriors had abandoned, and just around 300 men remained. Narvaez in Florida Narvaez and his men awkwardly advanced inland, assaulting each clan they met. The campaign had brought inadequate supplies and made due by looting pitiful Native American storage facilities, which caused vicious reprisal. The conditions and absence of food made numerous in the organization become sick, and inside half a month, 33% of the individuals from the campaign were seriously debilitated. The going was extreme since Florida was then loaded with waterways, bogs, and backwoods. The Spanish were slaughtered and taken out by perturbed locals, and Narvaez made a progression of strategic bungles, including regularly isolating his powers and never looking for partners. The Mission Fails The men were biting the dust, took out separately and in little gatherings by local assaults. Supplies had run out, and the campaign had distanced each local clan it had experienced. With no plan to set up such a settlement and with no assistance coming, Narvaez chose to prematurely end the crucial come back to Cuba. He had put some distance between his boats and requested the development of four huge pontoons. The Death of Panfilo de Narvaez It isn't known for certain where and when Narvaez kicked the bucket. The last man to see Narvaez alive and recount it was Alvar Nunez Cabeza de Vaca, a lesser official of the endeavor. He related that in their last discussion, he approached Narvaez for help the men on Narvaezs pontoon were preferred taken care of and more grounded over those with Cabeza de Vaca. Narvaez won't, fundamentally saying â€Å"every man for himself,†as indicated by Cabeza de Vaca. The pontoons were destroyed in a tempest and just 80 men endure the sinking of the pontoons; Narvaez was not among them. The Aftermath of the Narvaez Expedition The principal significant attack into present-day Florida was a finished disaster. Of the 300 men who arrived with Narvaez, just four eventually endure. Among them was Cabeza de Vaca, the lesser official who had requested assistance yet gotten none. After his pontoon sunk, Cabeza de Vaca was subjugated by a neighborhood clan for quite a long while some place along the Gulf Coast. He figured out how to get away and get together with three different survivors, and together them four returned overland to Mexico, showing up somewhere in the range of eight years after the endeavor arrived in Florida. The ill will brought about by the Narvaez undertaking was to such an extent that it took the Spanish years to build up a settlement in Florida. Narvaez has stood out forever as one of the most savage yet clumsy conquistadors of the pilgrim period.
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Marketing your self Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Showcasing your self - Essay Example test concurred me with what involves a â€Å"30-second commercial†consequently raising my concentration and consideration regarding such business since they may hold the way in to an incredible opening for work. The â€Å"riffle approach†to showcasing on the web as characterized in the test is significant in guaranteeing an exact and viable online introduction where potential businesses could follow me. The test additionally familiar me with the realities that there are less employments notices. This encourages me to adjust different roads of looking for a vocation and the information that occupations are there despite the fact that they don't include in adverts. The information on having different, compelling and noticeable resumes online is very vital in light of the fact that it causes me make a stage to advertise myself for a vocation on the web. Nonetheless, the way that not all resumes get consideration urges me to stay reliable and steady on my activity entries. By the by, the test advised me against taking a resume to a system meeting as it brings down ones believability. The data on systems administration will assist me with sharing data and contacts on openings for work with others where 65%-85% of occupations come through systems administration. The test educated me on the significance regarding scholarly undertakings and temporary positions in prospective employee meetin gs. The assessment educated on the best way to treat work necessities before going to a meeting. This is noteworthy as it sets the base capabilities for any activity. Taking everything into account, the test sets me up to showcase myself, work looking, going to a meeting, and arranging a proposition for employment (Alobaidali
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Some Like It Hot – Station Sequence
In the past succession, Joe imitated a ladylike voice to find a new line of work with Jerry in a gathering of female artists. Be that as it may, an ellipsis manages their camouflage, darkened by a progression shot. Along these lines it is a way two new ladylike characters who show up on the stage. This succession likewise denotes the presence of Sugar/Marilyn and the encounter of the single men with ‘a totally extraordinary sex'. 1. Following in with a foundation of anxious jazz : a nearby shot shows the rear of the two artists, from midriff to heels.We remember them on account of their instruments : on the left, with the bandylegs which barely hang on the high heels have a place with the player of twofold bass, Jerry. On the right, Joe strolls all the more straight ahead, yet the muscles of his calves are not less protruding. The additional items who overwhelm them are for the most part men, what significantly more face up their womanliness. 2. From that point now, the followi ng out shows us the â€Å"result†of the mask in the face.Joe, made up elegantly, makes a probable and rich lady, his white hide neckline appearing differently in relation to his dim dresses; Jerry, with his progressively unrestrained leopardskin neckline improved by a stir and by a twofold plume on his cloche cap, blends in his garments hairs, quills and petals. His lipstick broadens generally past his upper lip, we surmise he is stress on account of a frown. In voice-more than, a declaration of the station tells that the train which Joe and Jerry prepare to take is the â€Å"Florida Limited†, that goes to Miami.The performers along these lines land the position in the young ladies' ensemble, however will they experience the trial of the mask? 3. 4. Close shots on Joe, at that point on Jerry, every one of them appears to take a withdrew articulation in a feeble willed way. They permit to see nearer how every demonstration like a lady : Joe, snickering, looking aside, is in the register of enchantment. Jerry, in unending modification, sways between the young lady (when he opens wide eyes) and the woman 5. 6. 7. Follow-up of the following in the back.First stagger of Jerry, who curves his lower leg in light of his high heels. It isn't the first occasion when he protests since Joe, even minded (their point is to get in the train to get away from the hoodlums) is bothered by his languishments. Tony Curtis, with his pale and powdered composition, his half-shut eyelids as though he was at that point exhausted to be veiled as a lady, lets to Jack Lemmon an astounding and unnecessary palette of face appearances. (6). Bowed advances, Jerry continues rehashing the sex change, unfit to be utilized to the shows which administer the ladylike dress. How might they stroll on these things? †Joe's extremely coarse and anatomical answer (â€Å"Must be the manner in which their weight is distributed†) straightforwardly foresees the presence of Sugar, diversely â€Å"distributed†to be sure. After there is a converse shot on the line of artists who jumps on the train (7) supplies a lot of examples who adds to Jerry's frenzy (â€Å"It's no utilization. We'll never pull off it†. Not generally come to know each detail of his character, he turns his look to a perfect model. 8. 9.Catching, off screen, the eyes of the two on-screen characters assuming a female job, Sugar additionally shows up, â€Å"cut in two†at the belt-level. The music topic totally changes for a more slow however hotter jazz (the quieted trumpet replaces the saxophone). As Jerry, she is wearing a quill on her cap, and her ukulele, she is holding like a ladylike adornment, appears to be a smaller than normal bass. These are the initial two regular focuses, still prudent, of a connection in reflect among Daphne and Sugar who will go on all through the film.When she passes by close Joe and Jerry, the looks center around the base of her body in s o fixing a path like in an animation (the look of the lewd wolf of Tex Avery) 10. a. Front/behind : as opposed to Joe and Jerry, Sugar is recorded from the start by face at the top, at that point by back, at the base. In point 2, the tension centered the desire for the observer on the change (what will Curtis and Lemmon resemble in lady? ); here, the tension is in a way sexual : once Marilyn is distinguished by face, the inquiry concerns her garments, how her figure is emphasized.We likewise notice that Marilyn's acting is as rich as that of her two accomplices : rippling her lashes, moving her lips, moving step, she exaggerates womanliness nearly as much as Lemmon and Curtis 10. b. The reverberation of point 9 with point 1 is hindered by the fume shoot which, from the train, shocks Sugar. The objective is to point Marilyn's base. In point 6, Jerry whined about drafts under his dress, implying the anatomical distinction among man and lady yet in addition to the way that the camoufla ge shows him : it is an exposure.More than the draft, the white fume impact appears the craving which has recently sprung from this first gathering : Sugar is truly â€Å"whistled†by the train. He likewise places Sugar in trial female subject : how can she respond? How can she move? How can she continue strolling after this hitch? 11. †it resembles jello on springs! †. As a kid who brought a toy into pieces to perceive how it functions, Jerry addresses the anatomical distinction, ponders about female mechanics and as of now finds in Sugar a model to be imitated, while Joe, completely overwhelmed, is brought somewhere around adoration from the outset sight.The left and the privilege of the shot are isolated by an undetectable fringe among dramatization and comic. 12. At the point when the paperboy shows up, the title texts of the paper (the hoodlums are searching for the observers of the slaughter) unquestionably position the mask. In spite of what Joe guarantees , Jerry and him won't stop this disguise. On the off chance that they need to live, they need to renewed in ladies, go over the shot and mix in the opposite shot, join the line of fair ladies with cap and instrument. 13. It is a triumph. Them two are credible.Nevertheless Jerry, who isn't totally changed at this point, experiences issues in talking all the more piercing. â€Å"You two from the Poliakoff Agency? †â€Å"Yes, we're the new young ladies. †â€Å"Brand new†. This first joke of a long arrangement done by Jerry sells out his celebration to be between two genders. 14. 15. 16. 17. This arrangement of shots and opposite shots sets up, between the two men, a sort of â€Å"every man for himself†: Jerry shocks Josephine by renaming Daphne, Josephine develops a tale about the Sheboygan Conservatory of Music (This city truly exists in Wisconsin).Their first discussion with â€Å"Sweet†Sue presents an intersection of outskirt from a sex to the next one, yet in addition a time travel. On board this train, the transvestites travel with twenty-year-old young ladies, in an air of day camp bossed around by an iron woman. 18. First ladylike misfortune of Jerry (Bienstock squeezes his base). Be that as it may, both are perceived as â€Å"real ladies†: this comment of the main man of the troop seems like a birth authentication.
Organic Livestock Marketing Cooperative Assignment
Natural Livestock Marketing Cooperative - Assignment Example OLYMCO is driven by the mission to turn into the biggest advertiser of natural meat and sheep in the UK. The way to accomplishing this crucial in the longing to give the client esteem as far as the nature of the item combined with exceptionally serious costs and to guarantee total straightforwardness in their tasks. We exist to pull in and hold clients. Insights of the market and rivalry have been gathered. A definite study of client inclinations and faithfulness drivers was likewise completed (Section 9.6). This data will help upgrade development and support benefit and development. Red meat is an essential food showcase where deals have recorded minimal development (DEFRA, 2006); values have ascended, as purchasers have been happy to exchange up to progressively advantageous cuts (Cooper, 2006). The Organic Market Report 2006 uncovers the greatest increment in deals to be in natural meat and poultry. In 2005, the ranch door estimation of natural meat and poultry was an expected 129m, a 59% expansion on 2004 (Watts, 2006). The interest is anticipated to develop soon particularly as more advantageous and all the more sensibly valued item opens up, the dread of the 'distraught dairy animals' ailment lessens and with dangers of avian influenza decreasing deals of (Poultry World, 2006).This is regardless of expectations to the opposite two or three years sooner (see Buss, 2004). Albeit British retailers are feeling the squeeze to source increasingly natural nourishments indigenously, it is discovered that imported natural meats include practically 20% of all out dea ls volume (Research and Markets).The balance among gracefully and request stays tight (Davies, 2006). Aside from the retail exchange, there is popularity for natural meats from food processors and the cooking part. There is likewise rising interest from eateries, schools, medical clinics and government associations (Research and Markets). 4.1 Market Demographics The profile of OLYMCO's client comprises of the accompanying geographic, segment, and conduct factors. Geographic: The quick objective is the people living inside the UK - a populace of about 61 million. Of this, around 25 percent are veggie lovers and other people who don't eat either sort of meat. The limits of the nation characterize the geological region to be secured. Segment: All individuals more than 20 years of age, speaking to more than 70 percent of the absolute populace. Clients having a place with the An and AB classifications, for example having a yearly family unit salary over 25,000. Conduct Factors: From the consequences of the purchaser review directed, the clients are: Ready to pay a premium for greater, more delicious meats, Will in general belittle more excellent eateries, and are Conscious about their wellbeing 4.2 Customer
Friday, August 21, 2020
Pestel Analysis Of The Steel Industry Economics Essay
Pestel Analysis Of The Steel Industry Economics Essay Indian steel is doing admirably from numerous years. Steel industry is contributing close about 1.2% in the absolute GDP. On account of the mechanical development and other significant advancements happening everywhere throughout the world the so fast ascent popular of the steel is seen in this division. The significant players in the steel business are SAIL (Steel Authority of India.) TATA STEEL and ESSAR STEEL. Indian steel primarily contributes in the completed prepares, semi-completed steel, pig iron and tempered steel. Private segment assumes significant job in the Indian steel industry. The private segment in the steel business contributes roughly 2/third of the absolute market of the steel. With the developing position steel industry is supporting in the constant development in the financial. Asian nations are ahead of the pack with the creation of the steel, china is the top maker among the Asian nations which are contributing high a gracefully of the steel in the worldwide market.419million ton of the steel is delivered uniquely in the china. In recent years there are numerous acquisitions and mergers are occurring in the steel business. May be this could be the one reason behind this gigantic development comprehensively. After the china nation, Japan, India, and South Korea. India is contributing aggregate of the 53million ton steel in worldwide market. The japan is creating just 9% of the steel which is added to the worldwide steel advertise. India is additionally one of the significant regions in the creation of the steel. The east, south, and west districts are significant for the steel business in India. The quick extension is normal in the east area, Orissa in light of the fact that the accessibility of the unrivaled crude material. In India in light of the fact t hat the tremendous accessibility of assets and significant industry players India is getting a charge out of the blast in this area which are mindful of the development in the GDP as indicated by the review which is finished by the DEUTSHE BANK where the investigation is finished with point by point study of 34 economies in country. It is seen that India will appreciate the normal development of 5.5% in the middle of the year 2006 to year 2010. The normal is watched for the, where as 5.4% to the Malaysia. The opening up the economies in the worldwide market is liable for the high interest in the business part where loads of acquisitions and mergers are going on in the business. The PESTEL ANALYSIS of the business is partitioned into five sections which can be examined as follows: P-political examination E-financial examination S-socio - culture examination T-mechanical examination E-ecological investigation L-legitimate investigation. POLITICAL ANALYSIS: Political investigation incorporates the elements which can impact the business. It is incorporated the political factor which incorporates the approach offered by the administration to the particular segment. Here for this part government presents the National Steel Policy. The principle focus on the acquaintance of this approach is with fill the hole between the interest and flexibly of the steel. To expand the creation is likewise fundamental movement is structured under this arrangement. To build the creation as much as million ton is additionally the primary target of the strategy. Under this strategy the unique impetuses are intended for the steel area. Motivations like the cut in the obligation, zero obligation on imports, arrangement of the land and other infrastructural offices are the offices accommodated the steel part. Under this strategy the legislature is urge to the utilization the full open doors accessible in the PUBLIC AND PRIVATE PATNERSHIP (PPP). With the developing business the administration is expanded the business charge from the 15%to 20% where as 75% FDI (remote direct speculation) is permitted in the business this plan additionally gives the different concessions in the custom obligations. In spite of the fact that there is an ascent in the foundation offices in the nation yet considering the steel business the current state of the framework isn't adequate in the nature .due to the need foundation steel industry is confronting numerous issues Prudent ANALYSIS: STEEL industry is worry to be a blasting industry from past decades. Opening up with the different economies the remote direct venture is the occurred in this segment the different outside players are intrigued to put resources into the nation. Under the different economies plans there is consent ahead of time permitting plan which permits the obligation free imports of crude material for trades. However, with the blast in the business GDP is increasing at moderate rate. The steel business is additionally confronting the issue of the subprime emergency happens in the US before 15 months. On account of the subprime emergency there is sick impact happens in the car business, framework and different business which are connected with the steel business. There is tremendous hole between the interest and the flexibly of the steel in the general public. SOCIO-CULTURE: The socio culture is one of the significant perspective in the examination of the business it depicts the effect of the specific business on the general public. Moreover the steel business likewise give the support to the lasting work to the individuals yet then again it isolates the territory in to the country and urban division in light of the fact that the business is just in the specific zone just which prompts the specific improvement of that region just and not in general the advancement . in view of the working conditions the individuals which are utilized in the steel business confronted numerous medical issues which are serious in the nature and numerous ventures are not giving the consideration on the wellbeing of the representatives. Any sort of the recompenses are not given to the workers. Steel industry is additionally liable for the advancement in the country division which prompts the ascent in the standard of the living of the individuals. Specialized: The customary advancements are being utilized from numerous years in the business. There is no advancement in the utilization of the strategy in the creation procedure. The Tata steel is building up a similar strategy is by which the support is given to the exchanging of the steel. Goodbye and sail presents the web based exchanging of the steel. Just the electric heater is being utilized now days in the creation procedure but since of the vacillations in the vitality there is wastage in the crude material. The fundamental advancements are utilized in the creation procedure are essential circular segment, enlistment heater and electric heater which are obsolete in the nature. Sail the one of the main steel industry India is intending to set up an arrangement with PASCO for utilizing the most recent innovation named à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‹Å"FINEXà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢. Natural: In spite of the fact that the steel business is empowering the numerous parts and the empowering the advancement it is making the troublesome condition in the nature. The every single driving industry are following the natural demonstrations which are proclaimed by the legislatures, however it is making extremely terrible effect on the earth. Numerous ventures are utilizing the contamination control hardware and vitality sparing gear yet that isn't adequate in the nature. The least significance is given to the ecological angle. Be that as it may, the Tata steel is empowering the ecofriendly framework, to lessen the emanation the co2 gas during the creation procedure. Goodbye is building up the Ultra-Low Carbon steel making where there will be decrease in the natural misfortune. Legitimate: Government is presenting the different principles and guidelines of this specific industry. The administration is going to giving the more consideration in the wellbeing strategies of the representatives which are working with the steel business. Exceptional wellbeing motivating forces and rules are presented in the steel business. End: From above conversation and studies we come to think about how the pestel examination is done in the business we additionally come to think about the political, financial, and specialized viewpoint are significant for the advancement of the specific business if these components are not in the supporting in the kindness of the business then the business may confront a few outcomes. REFERENCES USED:
Thursday, August 6, 2020
Keeping Joy in the Classroom
Keeping Joy in the Classroom How do we keep joy in our classrooms â€" for both students and teachers? Teaching today is nothing like it was in the past. Gone are the days of loose curriculum, infrequent observations by your principal, and learning cursive; we now have structured lessons, unannounced walkthroughs by both the principal and the superintendent, and a lack of downtime. How do we keep joy in our classrooms â? for the kids and also for us? Take a look at some tips for continuing to make teaching and learning fun. 1. Use Classroom Decorations Pinterest, Teachers Pay Teachers, and TeacherVision are three incredible resources you can utilize to find educational and fun decorations for your classroom. I have found creative charts to help teach my fourth graders place value, fractions, and geometry. Iâ?ve also found crafts, holiday decorations, and more. These websites offer a mix of free and for-purchase items and ideas. In my experience, some of the freebies are incredibly cool, and some of the for-purchase items are well worth the money as well â? you just have to be diligent in your search. One of my favorite TpT creators is Jennifer Findley. 2. Supplement the Curriculum Suppose youâ?re teaching a lesson about how to find the main idea of a text using a particular curriculum. You teach in a fairly similar manner from day-to-day, and occasionally the kids groan before another one of your main idea lessons. Switch it up! A simple Google (or TeacherVision) search of â?main idea text (insert grade)â produces thousands of results. Take a few moments to look through the absolutely immense amount of resources the internet provides and give your students something new. Different representations of the same topic not only prevent students from becoming bored, but variation promotes a higher level of student engagement. One of my absolute favorite ways to supplement my curriculum is to use Task Cards, which generally involves 12-24 tasks that relate to inferring, multiplication, word problems, or main idea. In fact, almost any topic can be found under a â?task cardâ search. 3. Make Positive Reinforcement Fun! I am a huge proponent of avoiding punishment whenever possible in favor of positive reinforcement. Taking the time to create a system that works for you will undoubtedly result in better behavior in your classroom. Some may think that kids should all have intrinsic motivation, but letâ?s be real: rewards work for adults too! In my classroom, I have two forms of positive reinforcement â? â?personalâ and â?whole class.â Personal: For the studentsâ? personal reinforcement, I offer tickets. The kids receive tickets for doing something â?good.â The definition of â?goodâ changes from day-to-day: it depends on my mood, who I happen to notice, and so on. Then, a few times a year, the kids can use their tickets to buy items from my classroom store. Yes, I supply the items for the classroom store myself, but hoo-boy does it motivate. I get the majority of my items from the Target dollar section, and sometimes I have very generous kiddos donate old toys and things they donâ?t need anymore. The kids go crazy for fuzzy socks, pens, pencils, stickers, erasers, stuffed animals, yo-yos, slinkies â? really anything. Sometimes I buy party favors in packs of 12, separate them out, and put those in the store. The kids are so thrilled to be able to take home a tangible reward and the incentive is so high that the tickets really promote good behavior. Other examples of positive, individual reinforcement include using Class Dojo to give students points, which then connect to a parent's email address. This allows for parents to receive updates in real time, which in itself can motivate students, and also helps to keep track of who has been rewarded. Whole Class: For the whole class, I bought a â?Catching Complimentsâ poster from Really Good Stuff. (It looks like my poster is no longer available, but you could use this poster in a similar way.) When the whole class does a great job in math, or at recess, or at lunch, or during a specialist, or Iâ?m just feeling nice, Iâ?ll give them one of the 100 baseballs that came on the Catching Compliments chart. When they collectively reach 100 baseballs, they get a whole class reward. These rewards have included pajamas, movies, chewing gum, bringing in a stuffed animal, reading parties, extra recess, and more. It typically takes my class two to three months to receive all 100 baseballs, and it makes the whole class reward even more special. The same sort of reinforcement could be achieved with a jar of marbles, beads, stars, etc, or with stickers on a chart. 4. Allow for Choice As much as you can, give the kids choices. While this isnâ?t always possible, there are ways to promote student choice. If your school has an intervention time, or a â?What I Needâ (WIN) block, create a menu of student options. Recently, my WIN time menu has included Greek myths, multiplication practice, a persuasive essay piece, informational task cards, and multi-step word problems in math. These activities are considered Must-Do, and if they finish all Must-Dos, they can move on to optional choices. Another great way to allow for choice is by using Seesaw, a website that allows for students to represent their learning in a variety of ways. I have used Seesaw during assessments to allow students the choice of typing, voice recording, or writing by hand. They definitely enjoy filming themselves talking! 5. Incorporate Fun as Often as Possible Even though we currently have more on our plate as teachers than ever before, give yourself and your students a break every so often. Throw in a random extra recess for no reason â? research shows that variable reinforcement (giving people rewards on a non-set schedule) actually produces the best results. Include a morning meeting in your day as a part of the Responsive Classroom model to promote classroom community, allow for a greeting, and let the kids share. Let parents come in and run a craft â? they love feeling involved, and kids need help with their fine motor skills! Lastly, include games as a part of education â? Pinterest is a wonderful resource for this. My students love the game Prodigy for math help, which is completely aligned with the Common Core standards. All in all, even though we have a lot going on when it comes to teaching our kids, we owe it to them and to ourselves to continue to make learning fun. Happy kids make for happy teachers, and a content classroom will undoubtedly produce more effective learning! How do you keep joy in the classroom? Share with us on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest.
Monday, June 22, 2020
Analytical Essay on The Crucible
Analytical Essay on The Crucible The Crucible is a play by Arthur Miller that was written and published in 1953. It is loosely based on facts about Salem witch trials that happened in 1692 and 1693. On the other hand, the play is believed to be an allegory on McCarthyism, the practice of accusing people without having enough evidence. Thus, both have striking resemblance, and the author wanted to show how helpless and doomed a person might be when unfairly accused by those in power (e.g. court, state, police). Salem witch trial and allegory on McCarthyism are the two levels of this plays interpretation (the explicit and the implicit ones). Those, who are not familiar with the context in which the play was written, will more likely not understand the implicit meaning of it. The play is a playwrights reaction to events that took place during the McCarthy era in the first half of 1950s. A lot of Americans were accused of being communists, spreading communist propaganda, or being soviet spies. Very often such accusations were false, however it soon developed into mass hysteria, with many people becoming victims of such injustice. Arthur Miller saw similarities between McCarthyism and Salem witch trials which resulted in writing this play. Talking about the main characters, we can point out an antagonist and a protagonist: Abigail Williams and John Proctor respectively. It all started when they both had an affair while Abigail worked as a maid for the Proctor house. In fact, it was Abigail who accused a slave woman of being a witch trying to explain reverend Parris daughter illness. Soon she realizes that such accusations can be used as a means of manipulating people, for example accusing Proctors wife of witchcraft is a way to be with Proctor again. Other people join Abigail even if they know that accusations are false, but they realize that it is better to accuse someone rather than be accused themselves. This mass hysteria is supported by people who have authority: judge John Hathorne and deputy governor Thomas Danforth. The author draws a parallel between the authority in Salem and the U.S. Government in the 50s, who were both too blind and ignorant to see that all the accusations were made by people because their own self-interest, or just because of foolishness. The protagonist, John Proctor, trying to save his wife was also accused of witchcraft by Abigail. He has to make a choice: understanding all the absurd of the trial, he may confess to being guilty and save his life, but be condemned by all the citizens of Salem for the rest of his life, or to deny all the accusations and be sentenced to death, but having a clear conscience. So, he chooses the latter. Arthur Millers play shows us how cruel and foolish people may be, no matter whether it is the 17th century, or the 20th. With all the technological and scientific progress that happened during this period, he doubts that people have become any wiser. He also depicts authority as a cruel machine that is only capable of imposing punishment to people without even knowing whether they are guilty or not. Tips on Writing an Analytical Essay on a Work of Fiction: When analyzing a work of fiction, try focusing on a specific character, concept or a story line. Make an attention catching claim in your thesis statement. For that, two sentences would be enough. Use examples from the work of fiction you are analyzing to support the claim you have made. That is also a good indicator that you have read the work carefully enough to notice the details. An outline always apply. Whatever kind of essay you are writing, an outline will help you to keep your thoughts organized. AdvancedWriters provides students with custom written essays on different topics. You can buy analytical essay online and your paper will be written by certified writers. 3.00 avg. rating (2 votes)
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Battle of Fuentes de Onoro - Peninsular War - Duke of Wellington
The Battle of Fuentes de Oà ±oro was fought May 3-5, 1811, during the Peninsular War which was part of the larger Napoleonic Wars. Armies and Commanders Allies Viscount Wellingtonapprox. 38,000 men French Marshal Andre Massenaapprox. 46,000 men Buildup to Battle Having been stopped before the Lines of Torres Vedras in late 1810, Marshal Andre Massena began withdrawing French forces from Portugal the following spring. Emerging from their defenses, British and Portuguese troops, led by Viscount Wellington, began moving towards the border in pursuit. As part of this effort, Wellington laid siege to the border cities of Badajoz, Ciudad Rodrigo, and Almeida. Seeking to regain the initiative, Massena regrouped and began marching to relieve Almeida. Concerned about the French movements, Wellington shifted his forces to cover the city and defend its approaches. Receiving reports regarding Massenas route to Almeida, he deployed the bulk of his army near the village of Fuentes de Oà ±oro. The British Defenses Located to the southeast of Almeida, Fuentes de Oà ±oro sat on the west bank of the Rio Don Casas and was backed by a long ridge to the west and north. After barricading the village, Wellington formed his troops along the heights with the intention of fighting a defensive battle against Massenas slightly larger army. Directing the 1st Division to hold the village, Wellington placed the 5th, 6th, 3rd, and Light Divisions on the ridge to the north, while the 7th Division was in reserve. To cover his right, a force of guerillas, led by Julian Sanchez, was positioned on a hill to the south. On May 3, Massena approached Fuentes de Oà ±oro with four army corps and a cavalry reserve numbering around 46,000 men. These were supported a force of 800 Imperial Guard cavalry led by Marshal Jean-Baptiste Bessià ¨res. Massena Attacks After reconnoitering Wellingtons position, Massena pushed troops across the Don Casas and launched a frontal attack against Fuentes de Oà ±oro. This was supported by an artillery bombardment of the Allied position. Surging into the village, troops from General Louis Loisins VI Corps clashed with troops from Major General Miles Nightingalls 1st Division and Major General Thomas Pictons 3rd Division. As the afternoon progressed, the French slowly pushed British forces back until a determined counterattack saw them thrown from the village. With night approaching, Massena recalled his forces. Unwilling to directly attack the village again, Massena spent most of May 4 scouting the enemys lines. Shifting South These efforts led to Massena discovering that Wellingtons right was largely exposed and only covered by Sanchezs men near the village of Poco Velho. Seeking to exploit this weakness, Massena began shifting forces south with the goal of attacking the next day. Spotting the French movements, Wellington directed Major General John Houston to form his 7th Division on the plain south of Fuentes de Oà ±oro to extend the line towards Poco Velho. Around dawn on May 5, French cavalry led by General Louis-Pierre Montbrun as well as infantry from the divisions of Generals Jean Marchand, Julien Mermet, and Jean Solignac crossed the Don Casas and moved against the Allied right. Sweeping the guerillas aside, this force soon fell on Houstons men (Map). Preventing a Collapse Coming under intense pressure, the 7th Division faced being overwhelmed. Reacting to the crisis, Wellington ordered Houston to fall back to the ridge and dispatched cavalry and Brigadier General Robert Craufurds Light Division to their aid. Falling into line, Craufurds men, along with artillery and cavalry support, provided cover for the 7th Division as it conducted a fighting withdrawal. As the 7th Division fell back, the British cavalry harried the enemy artillery and engaged the French horsemen. With the battle reaching a critical moment, Montbrun requested reinforcement from Massena to turn the tide. Dispatching an aide to bring up Bessià ¨res cavalry, Massena was furious when the Imperial Guard cavalry failed to respond. As a result, the 7th Division was able to escape and reach the safety of the ridge. There it formed a new line, along with the 1st and Light Divisions, which extended west from Fuentes de Oà ±oro. Recognizing the strength of this position, Massena elected not to press the attack further. To support the effort against the Allied right, Massena also launched as series of attacks against Fuentes de Oà ±oro. These were conducted by men from General Claude Fereys division as well as General Jean-Baptiste Drouets IX Corps. Largely striking the 74th and 79th Foot, these efforts nearly succeeded in driving the defenders from the village. While a counterattack threw Fereys men back, Wellington was forced to commit reinforcements to break Drouets assault. Fighting continued through the afternoon with the French resorting to bayonet attacks. As the infantry assault on Fuentes de Oà ±oro faltered, Massenas artillery opened with another bombardment of the Allied lines. This had little effect and by nightfall the French withdrew from the village. In the darkness, Wellington ordered his army to entrench on the heights. Faced with a strengthened enemy position, Massena elected to retreat to Ciudad Rodrigo three days later. The Aftermath In the fighting at the Battle of Fuentes de Oà ±oro, Wellington sustained 235 killed, 1,234 wounded, and 317 captured. French losses numbered 308 killed, 2,147 wounded, and 201 captured. Though Wellington did not consider the battle to be a great victory, the action at Fuentes de Oà ±oro allowed him to continue the siege of Almeida. The city fell to Allied forces on May 11, though its garrison successfully escaped. In the wake of the fighting, Massena was recalled by Napoleon and replaced by Marshal Auguste Marmont. On May 16, Allied forces under Marshal William Beresford clashed with the French at Albuera. After a lull in the fighting, Wellington resumed his advance into Spain in January 1812 and later won victories at Badajoz, Salamanca, and Vitoria. Sources British Battles: Battle of Fuentes de OnoroPeninsular War: Battle of Fuentes de OnoroHistory of War: Battle of Fuentes de Onoro
Monday, May 18, 2020
Impact Of Technology On The Classroom - 893 Words
Reflection Technology helps students in the learning procedure altering the way learning is conveyed. Presently learning has turned into a customized and significant experience that addresses learners issues as contradicted to conventional instructor focused and content based training that places essential accentuation on passing on settled assortments of data and survey students as latent beneficiaries of learning. Henceforth, regardless of their own disparities, inclinations and histories, technology convey individualized substance at the time and place students select (e-learning and portable adapting) in this manner, taking so as to expand their learning spaces learning out of the classroom (Domalewska, 2014). I had the opportunity to observe and design a technology checklist to aid in evaluating the technology in the classroom. The technology list brought awareness to the use of technology in a classroom setting. The first class I observed did a great job with following all parts of the t echnology list. One could indicate that Ms. Lockhart has train her students on the importance and use of technology. I thought her students were attentive and produce effectiveness utilization of technology. In addition, I like how the small group transition flowed truly well with the students. They knew what was expected and delivered. The second class I observed presented the use of technology in a different form.Show MoreRelatedTechnology And Its Impact On The Classroom1571 Words  | 7 PagesTechnology in the school has become an increasingly challenging and somewhat disruptive aspect in today’s educational system. In order to maintain what is considered the status quo, schools have focused their energy and resources on banning cell phones, wireless Internet and blocking social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter in schools. 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When technology is used in your lessons, the students will be able to achieveRead MoreImpact Of Technology On The Classroom1921 Words  | 8 PagesTechnology in the classroom is important for teachers, parents, and students alike, because technology use has become a necessary skill for survival in today’s vastly expanding technology driven global economy. Research has shown an increase in student’s success rates when exposed to technology in the classroom. Also technology has opened lines of communication between educators and parents to keep students on track, and help teachers educate better. Since children today have become digital natives;Read MoreThe Impact Of Technology On The Classroom1323 Words  | 6 PagesUpon entering a classroom in the United States the room is typically full of desks and chairs in symmetrical rows, the teacher’s desk is stacked with resources, and a considerable amount of textbooks, papers, and posters are located around the room. Among these objects there may be one or two computers, in some instances smartboards, but overall the influence of technology in the classroom is limited. This scene is practically identical to every other classroom across the country. Although societyRead MoreThe Impact Of Technology On The Classroom1332 Words  | 6 Pageswhich technology is being developed and is becoming a part of our everyday life. One of the largest arguments with the advancing technology is whether or not it’s good for teaching and learning purposes in the classroom. From email to online classes, computers are defiantly manipulating our lives, and can enhance learning in the classroom in various ways. The growing popularity of technology emphasizes the importance for students and administrators to support and encourage computer technology in our
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Beatles, The Musical Hair And Pink Floyd - 1491 Words
Commercial success and true ‘artistry’ or creativity seem to be contradict with each other. However, I don’t agree this statement and it’s not correct at all. I’m going to use the Beatles, the musical Hair and Pink Floyd as examples (as they gained success in both aspects) to explain how these two elements can coexist in the following essay. The Beatles are originated in Liverpool in 1960, and become the iconic figure of the city and the British pop music (Britpop). As one of the most popular band in the world, the Beatles gained unprecedented commercial success. According to the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA), the Beatles are the best-selling music artist in the United States, accounts for 178 million certified units. Furthermore, they owned 6 platinum units as the highest in history. The Beatles are regarded as the best-selling band in music history, sold more than 600 millions records in the world. Undoubtedly, the Beatles gained commercial success as reflected on the prodigious number of sales. How about the music value of their records? Most of the audience focus on their image and popular works. In fact, music of the Beatles contains rich creativity and have high artistic value but always being neglected. The Beatles have innovated advance recording technologies and produced different genres of high-quality rock music. Their talents and creativity could be reflected in two different aspects: First, the creativity of music sounds andShow MoreRelated1960s Music950 Words  | 4 Pagespeace sign. Women also broke away from the conservative look of the 1950s by starting to wear mini skirts, more revealing tops, leather boots and fake eyelashes. Men wore paisley shirts, velvet trousers, Regency Jackets and they began to wear their hair long. The 1960s was a decade of Experimentation. Many people began to experiment with drugs. While Marijuana was generally the drug of choice, it is not called the gateway drug for nothing. Cocaine and heroin also became very popular and forRead MoreRock And Roll Has Made A Big Impact On The World1380 Words  | 6 Pagespeople together, but also made people think. Rock and Roll brought out a type of persona and a feel, in which people received when this genre was the new â€Å"big†thing. There were a few bands, such as the Beatles and The Rolling Stones that brought the true feel and meaning of Rock and Roll. The Beatles were one of the most influential bands that brought the great unanimous sound and look of this turning stone era – Rock and Roll. The beginning of the genre of Rock and Roll – it is not what is, in today’sRead MoreThe History of Rock and Roll Essay2144 Words  | 9 Pageseven people a thousand miles away from America. One of these important bands was the Beatles. The Beatles took the rock sound and added more lyrical and musical complexity to the sound. The Beatles were the starters of the British Invasion in 1963 when they released I want to Hold Your Hand (Kallen 31). After their first single they had immense success with other hits such as She Loves You and Woooo! The Beatles continued to reinvent their music on the various other albums throughout the sixtiesRead More The History of Rock and Roll Essay2089 Words  | 9 Pagespeople a thousand miles away from America. One of these important bands was the Beatles. The Beatles took the rock sound and added more lyrical and musical complexity to the sound. The Beatles were the starters of the â€Å"British Invasion†in 1963 when they r eleased â€Å"I want to Hold Your Hand†(Kallen, 2012, 31). After their first single they had immense success with other hits such as â€Å"She Loves You†and â€Å"Woooo!†The Beatles continued to reinvent their music on the various other albums throughout the sixtiesRead MoreEssay about History Of Rock And Roll1330 Words  | 6 Pagespopular, with the musical audience looking for sentimental and honest expression. This turned some of the more popular music from rock to folk ballads. Joan Baez, Bob Dylan, and Peter, Paul, and Mary were the more popular folk singers.           1963-1969      During this period, the Beatles became the most popular band of the 1960s. In the 1950s, the Beatles were also known as Johnny and the Moondogs and then the Moonshiners. They first became known as the Silver Beatles. They broughtRead MoreThe Beatles - Original Writing1435 Words  | 6 PagesDecember 2014 The Beatles Imagine standing in the crowd not really listening but screaming while you and thousands of others are enticed by Ringo Starr, John Lennon, Paul McCartney, and George Harrison. Who would have thought that these four British boys would come to American and become one of the greatest music artists in our history? Their songs are filled with meaningful lyrics, lyrics that impacted the lives of millions of people all over the world. Not only did The Beatles impact the lives ofRead More Essay on Teens - Popular Musics Impact on Youth1734 Words  | 7 Pages--the band or artist was creating or surrounded by controversy-- in other cases, the change was not evident until afterwards, a learning experience perhaps. In the 1950s, Bill Haley and the Comets first used the word rock to describe a musical form. They also released two movies, Blackboard Jungle, and Rock Around the Clock, which featured their music and were aimed specifically at young audiences. Blackboard Jungle told a story of teenage alienation and also made a star of Haley becauseRead MoreEssay about The Influence on the Beatles on American Culture2706 Words  | 11 Pages The Beatles were more than their music. They influenced the lives of millions of people unlike any musicians before them. They were the first and most popular band in one of the most important music movements in American history, the British Invasion. The year 1964 was the year both the British Invasion and â€Å"Beatlemania†came to America and forever changed the landscape of music in the United States by introducing the genre of pop, as it is today. The Beatles changed the rules of musicRead MoreHippie Movement1719 Words  | 7 Pagesa bigger success than it would have been in her absence. The Beatles were also extremely influential and fought to save Vietnam. They sang songs in honor of those dying and they held concerts to motivate people to join the Hippies. The most influential of the Beatles was probably John Lennon. Lennon was one of the loudest voices fighting the war and he had a massive effect on people. He grew his beard and hair for â€Å"Hair Peace†and he was a major icon for Hippies worldwide. AnotherRead MoreThe Counterculture Of The Hippie Movement1768 Words  | 8 Pagesthis young people were words like â€Å"harmony†, â€Å"love†, among others. The counterculture movement was expressed through music, having Rock representing a key role in this process through live performing acts from artists as Pink Floyd, Rolling Stones to Jimi Hendrix or The Beatles, who ended up to become the most prominent commercial exponents of the â€Å"psychedelic rock revolution†in the late 1960s Psychedelic revolution in the late 1960s. Literature, art and film counterculture were also other areas
The Effects of Civil War in Kurdistan Free Essays
Pshtiwan Abdulla Oct 30, 2010 Writing composition Mr. Gray The Effects of Civil War in Kurdistan Generally talking about war will remind us lots of incredible actions that have been happened to many nations. Civil war is one of the most pernicious wars that brings calamity to a nation. We will write a custom essay sample on The Effects of Civil War in Kurdistan or any similar topic only for you Order Now As many other countries, civil war in Kurdistan left many incorrigible issues which some of them still exist. Some of these problems are huge obstacle in the way of development in Kurdistan. Gaining supremacy and disclaiming each other between the two dominant parties were the factors to befall this ruinous war. During the civil war, Kurdish people were encountered many social, economical and political crises. Some of the negative effects that Kurdish civil war had were, dividing the Kurdish government, leaving native soil, losing countless of people, creating instability of economic growth and coming external interferences. Dividing the government into two parts in Kurdistan was one of the biggest troubles that harmed people. In that time, Kurdistan was divided into two governments, Sulaimani government and Hawler government, that each of them had its own conditions and rules. Having two antagonist local governments facilitated the way for doing some crimes and criminal actions. For example, if a man who had committed a sin or robbery in one of the regions, he could escape there and stay in the opposite region without any threat. The governments were not judging anyone who had done a fault in the contrary government. Furthermore, some families had no chance to stay in a part that their party had left, so thousands of families were forced to leave their homes and businesses. Immigration and leaving motherland was another dreadful affects that civil war left. Young generation, who is the dynamic force in all societies, left their country and settled in European countries. Thereupon, Kurdistan lost the majority of its superlative class, and it was one of the weakest points of the progression of Kurdish society. Losing their home and businesses because of the war pushed people to immigrate and leave their birthplace. In that time, almost all families had lost a son or a member of their family, and parents believed that sending the rest of their sons to overseas countries would save them. Many of the migrants were killed in the borders and drowned in the European seas. Some of these immigrants still have no citizenship and any valid answer to stay there. Thousands of people in both sides were involved in the war, and it was the cause of killing a myriad number of people. Losing this massive number of people especially young people is still a giant barrier to unifying both regions. Even though, the two previous governments are unified now, but it is still obvious that each party governs its own region. Besides, it created enmity among families, and some of them are waiting for an occasion to revenge each other. Fourteen years after war, some families scare of return to their locations, and they still live in some cities where are not belong to them. Another big effect of losing this people is that a vast number of children lost their fathers and grew up in orphan hood. They were the first victim of civil war because many of them ran into poverty; they gave up their education and had to work to help their families. At that time, Kurdistan was a battlefield, and it was an insecure region to economic investments. Businessmen and industrialists were scared to run their business because there was no warranty to save their assets. Also, because of instability and insecurity, foreign manufacturers and Businessmen were scared to investment in Kurdistan. Commerce between Kurdistan and neighbor countries was the only trade that Kurdish tradesmen were doing. Most of these trades were contraband that people were running in the borders. Furthermore, some of the private and public industrial units were demolished. For example, the powerhouse of Dukan which was giving the electricity for almost twenty cities was disabled by one of the two parties. Having lots of military checkpoints between the cities was another impediment that was harming the merchants. Also, misspending an immense amount of public money and using it to buying armaments was another factor that decreased the growth of economic in Kurdistan. Civil war facilitated many ways to coming external interferences into Kurdistan. Foreign countries especially neighbor countries had many negative impacts on Kurdish politics. They interfered almost in every area such as economy, security, social affairs and politics. For example, during the war in 1996, PDK requested Iraqi central government to send its troops to Kurdistan and fight against PUK. After that, in the same year, PUK demanded Iranian government to help them in fighting against PDK. Raising the rate of overseas intervenes got a point that Iranian spies terrorized thousands of members of Iranian Kurdish political parties who have settled in this part of Kurdistan. Overall, civil war in Kurdistan had many negative impacts on Kurdish people, and there were many tragedies that will never be forgotten in the peoples’ memory. Economical, political and social crises were the difficulties that faced Kurdish people during the civil war. Facing lots of hardships created numerous of problems that some of them are irremediable and still exist. The civil war was the most effective cause to evolve many dreadful and harmful actions. Brothers against brothers and losing a limitless number of young people are an injury that still has many injurious influences on Kurdish society. Bisecting government, leaving home, losing people, instability and exterior interferences were the effects that civil war left, and they damaged many achievements that Kurdish people had achieved. How to cite The Effects of Civil War in Kurdistan, Essays
Project Management Control and Objectives
Question: Discuss about the Project Management Control and Objectives. Answer: Introduction The project is developed in relation with developing a proper framework for the discussion help on Assignment 1. To manage the project is one of the most crucial task, it is hard to make a conclusion on the single sheet of paper. Various evaluations and the analysis are attached with any kind of project. It is required that appropriate information should be gathered in relation with the project management aspects so as to ensure that the proper direction should be provided to the project which is being started by the company. Managing the tanks and maintaining them in a proper way will require a proper investment and investing required huge funds which should be planned in an appropriate way. The project is being developed in concentration with the petroleum company which is planning to ensure that unleaded petrol storage tanks could be managed and the unnecessary costs that are being paid by the company could be reduced. Various project management techniques and information related with the cost that would indulge in the project will be availed in this report so that proper direction could be provided to the company to ensure that it could succeed in managing the repair and the repaint work. Budget Preparing the budget is the first and the foremost aspects attached with any project. Budget provides an appropriate direction to the company with the help of which the project could be managed in a proper way (Mauboussin, 2012). To ensure that the repair and the repaint of the tanks of the company could be effectively managed it is required that proper set of budget should be developed with the effect of which company could succeed in its plans. Budget Particulars Expenses $ Maintenance of the Tanks 1 2500 Maintenance of the Tanks 2 2500 Maintenance of the Tanks 2 2500 Paint of all four tanks 5000 Labor Expenses 2500 Pipeline Maintenance 2500 Project Management Team 2500 Material Expenses 2500 Continuous testing of leakage and quality of work 2500 Total $ 25000 The budget that is being developed will help the company in managing the work in an appropriate manner. Preparing the proper plans and evaluating all the aspects which requires proper investment and indulged in the continuous improvement process. Improving all the aspects indulge in the project will help in reducing the expenses and effectively processing the project management aspects. Indulging in such type of aspects helps in moving on the path of success and sustainability (Povilaitis, 2014). Identifying the Keymilestones for the project deliverables Identifying the milestones for the project deliverables is one of the most effective methods which could be used by the company to manage the project (Young , 2013). A milestone helps the company to provide a set direction with the help of which it could manage the inside aspects related with the project. This process helps the organization to create the clear and attainable plans and also helps the organization in monitoring the progress. Developing the milestones for the project helps in laying out all the urgency of each and every step of the project. For setting successful milestone for the project it is required that the organization should focus upon certain aspects like: The milestones which are developed by the company should be specific. Developing the specific milestones for the company will provide a proper set of support system. It is required that the company should develop the understanding with the aspect that the project deliverables which should be developed should be concise and provide the better support to the company with the help of which organization could sustain to attain all the project goals (Bernroider, et. al., 2011). It is required that the project milestones which should be developed by the organization should be attainable and should get completed within the timeframes required by the company. Doing so will help the organizations to process the work in a proper manner and complete the project within the budget which is being developed by the organization. A proper start time should be developed for each and every activity and it is also required to set the deadlines with the effect of which work could be completed by keeping them on priorities and ensuring that the work could be completed within the time frame will help the organization in completing the repair and repaint work appropriately (?iutien?, et. al., 2012). It is required that the progressive milestone should be developed and the linear path and progression should be developed by the company. Repair and repaint work should be done in a proper manner because it requires huge investment and also company will not be able to afford any breach or loop in the project management aspects. Significant is one of the most important aspects attached with the project, in case if the project milestones which are set by the company are not significant them the company will not be able to complete the project within the timelines (Collins, 2011). It is required that the milestone which are set by the company should not be too specific or too small or they should be two big because such type of milestones could have a direct impact on the project which could cause a huge loss to the company. Gantt. Chart Activities Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8 Week 9 Get quotation from repair companies (4 days) Procure material (3 Days) Appoint required staff (2 Days) Start repair and repaint work of tank 1 (6 Days) Start repair and repaint work of tank 2 (12 Days) Start repair and repaint work of tank 3 (20 Days) Testing of leakage and quality of work (3 Days) This Gantt chart will help in completing the project in an appropriate way and will help in scheduling and setting the things on priorities and will ensure to provide a proper support system for the project with the help of which company could sustain in the market (Fewings, 2013). Resources Requiredfor Succesfull Completion of the Project There are various set of resources which are required to be focused upon by the company so as to ensure that the project could be completed within the required time and with the procedures which are required to be completed within the set time framework (Movahedian Attar, et. al., 2013). Applying the appropriate set of project development techniques and resources so as to process the project is one of the most important aspects attached with the management of the project in an appropriate manner. Procure material are required so that the project could be completed, it is required that proper set of material should be used like paints, and the repair materials like concrete, steals, adhesives etc. Repair and the repaint of the tanks requires that all the material which is being used should be used in a proper quantity as well as proper quality (Phillips, et. al., 2010). Quality of the material should be maintained because it was the matter of the highly flame able products. Company is investing a huge amount in the maintenance of the project so as to repair and repaint the tanks so it is required that proper set of material should be used to complete the project in a proper manner. Appointment of the required staff is another important aspects which should be focused upon by the organization (Yang, 2013). To ensure that the project could be completed within the required time frame company should invest on the project management team which could develop appropriate plans for the project. It is required that the company should recruit and select the staff on contract basis so that after completion of the same company could ensure to provide effective set of support. Appoint the staff on the contract basis on a particular project ensures that the company could reduce the unnecessary cost which will have to pay by the company to the staff which are hired by it (Heagney, 2012). Appoint appropriate number of the staff members within for the particular time period ensures that the company could sustain in completing the project within the required deadlines and within the particular budget which is being planned by the organization. It is required that the organization should use the critical path method so as to choose mots appropriate way to complete the project, Critical path method is one of the method which helps the company in choosing most appropriate path so as to complete the tasks in the most effective as well as suitable way (Mauboussin, 2012). It helps in ensuring that the unnecessary expenses of the organization could get reduced and the company could succeed to manage the work in most effective as well as simpler way. Proper evaluations should be done by the project management team in relation with choosing the most effective path to complete the project within the required deadlines (Povilaitis, 2014). Repair and repaint work of the tanks should be done in which it is required that the company should focus upon developing the most appropriate path so as to complete the tasks. Bifurcating the project into sub tasks will ensure to provide most appropriate path to complete it. It is required that the organization should focus upon equal distribution of the work among the teams. Ensuring that the project should get completed within the appropriate time frames it is required that the company should bifurcate the projects tasks equally among all the staff members so that they could work appropriately on the project and ensure to complete the project with quality (Young , 2013). Conclision At the end it could be concluded that managing a project is one of the most crucial tasks attached with the company. It is required that the companies should develop their focus upon working on the tools and technologies with the help of which companies could ensure to complete the project with quality. It is required that the organization should work on the resources which it will use in the project management aspects, ensuring to use the most appropriate tools and techniques will provide a proper set of support to the organization with the help of which it will be able to complete the repair and the repaint work of the tank in an appropriate way. Focusing upon the identifying the milestones to complete the project in a most appropriate way will help the company to sustain in the market. It is required that the organization should work towards to develop a proper set of Gantt chart because it helps in working on the tasks by keeping them in priorities and ensures to fulfill the requ irements of the project and helps in managing it in the most appropriate manner. References Bernroider, E. and Ivanov, M. (2011). IT project management control and the Control Objectives for IT and related Technology (CobiT) framework.International Journal of Project Management, 29(3), pp.325-336. ?iutien?, R. and Petrauskas, P. (2012). Management By Objectives Using Coaching.Economics And Management, 17(4), pp.122-126. Collins, R. (2011).Project management. 1st ed. New York: Nova Science Publishers. Fewings, P. (2013).Construction project management. 1st ed. New York: Spon Press/Routledge. Movahedian Attar, A., Khanzadi, M., Dabirian, S. and Kalhor, E. (2013). Forecasting contractor's deviation from the client objectives in prequalification model using support vector regression.International Journal of Project Management, 31(6), pp.924-936. Phillips, J. and Phillips, P. (2010). The power of objectives: Moving beyond learning objectives.Performance Improvement, 49(6), pp.17-24. Yang, L. (2013). Key practices, manufacturing capability and attainment of manufacturing goals: The perspective of project/engineer-to-order manufacturing.International Journal of Project Management, 31(1), pp.109-125. Heagney, J. (2012). Fundamentals of Project Management. New York: AMACOM. Mauboussin, M. J. (2012). The True Measures of Success. London: Harward Business Review. Povilaitis, S. (2014, September 9). Acceptance Criteria. Retrieved from Young , T. L. (2013). Successful Project Management. Canada: Kogan Page Limited.
Friday, May 1, 2020
The End of Acting A Radical View Essay Example For Students
The End of Acting: A Radical View Essay Despite its firebreathing, apocalyptic title, The End of Acting: A Radical View is eminently orthodox. Author Richard Hornby is no crackpot extremist peddling a newfangled method, but a traditional Stanislavskian calling for a careful re-reading of the Master, to be achieved by disentangling him from his chief American (mis)interpreter, Lee Strasberg. Though Hornby pays only glancing tribute to Stella Adler, it is Adlers brand of spirited anti-Methodism that underwrites his own position. For decades, in her distinctively witty style, Adler hammered away at her arch-rival. I dont ever want to see another Method actor give it all to Lee! she thundered at her students. Like Adler, Hornby objects to the way Strasbergs emphasis on self-analysis conflates acting with psychoanalysis, and thereby diminishes the importance of the actors work on the script and character and on other aspects of craft like speech and movement. Your talent is in your imagination the rest is lice! Adler warned her students; and echoing Adlerian doctrine, Hornby attests that the essence of acting is self-transformation and that therefore acting is not just like life. In chorus with Adler, Hornby argues that acting demands a size and an energy that place the actor in a world apart: The stage is a platform, and is not to be confused with the street, Adler told students, many of whom she suspected of being Method mumblers at heart.Unlike Adler, however, who dismissed Strasberg as a laughingstock, Hornby is not out for the kill. He acknowledges Strasbergs great influence, admits that his Method has produced some remarkable results (though he doesnt pause to consider why), and even concedes that Strasbergs affective memory, in which actors are trained to recall responses to charged past events in their own lives, is a technique all performers should know how to use. More dispassionate than Adler, Hornby presents Strasberg as flawed but gifted, a man whose private wounds pervaded his approach to acting, Astutely, Hornby links Strasbergs glacial demeanor to his obsession with the actors problems in expressing emotion. Hornby is a pluralist temperamentally opposed to Strasbergs narrow specialist bent. He argues that Strasbergs Holy Grail of true emotion can be reached in many different ways, including the heretical anti-Method of working from the outside in, building a character through patterns of speech and physical actions, Although he sees the value of the Method, especially in helping actors prepare for the naturalistic style movies demand, Hornby objects to its pervasive impact, its canonical status as virtually the only game in town. To Hornby, with his wide-ranging interests, Strasbergian mimesis diminishes actings stature and its possibilities.End the strangleholdHornbys radical view is a call to dislodge the Strasberg Method from its stranglehold over the teaching and practice of acting in America. In Strasberg-influenced programs, a little learning is dangerous a Strasberg subtext was that literary analysis posed a potentially mortal threat to the actors instincts; Hornby wants to take acting out of Method-based workshops, where actors examine their own experiences, and put it back into an old-fashioned liberal arts curriculum where acting students learn about the history and theory of their art, become familiar with the dramatic literature of many different cultures and periods, and instead of doing scenes and monologues from contemporary pieces have the chance to perform in a broad range of full-length plays from the past. For Hornby, quite unlike Strasberg, the plays the thing, and he wants actors to rea d widely so they will not make the mistake of assuming that ancient Greeks or the Elizabethans were just like us. In his brief, demanding book, which is part polemic, part how-to, part theory and part history, Hornby practices what he preaches. His discourse goes far beyond Strasbergian parameters as he attempts to define the essence of acting; explains why we are drawn to it; grapples bravely if inconclusively with the elusive nature of the actors creative state; and along the way provides citations from a pantheon that includes Plato, Aristotle, Freud, Descartes, Diderot, Coquelin and contemporary theory in semiotics, structuralism and phenomenology.Realist or idealist?Hornby is a teacher of acting who writes in a brisk, epigrammatic style, a style to take notes to. While he is enough of a realist to admit that theatre schools exist to give out-of-work actors jobs as teachers, he is ultimately, and perhaps unavoidably, an ivory-tower idealist. .u5037492735bc6797e0eac32ad02d24bc , .u5037492735bc6797e0eac32ad02d24bc .postImageUrl , .u5037492735bc6797e0eac32ad02d24bc .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u5037492735bc6797e0eac32ad02d24bc , .u5037492735bc6797e0eac32ad02d24bc:hover , .u5037492735bc6797e0eac32ad02d24bc:visited , .u5037492735bc6797e0eac32ad02d24bc:active { border:0!important; } .u5037492735bc6797e0eac32ad02d24bc .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u5037492735bc6797e0eac32ad02d24bc { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u5037492735bc6797e0eac32ad02d24bc:active , .u5037492735bc6797e0eac32ad02d24bc:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u5037492735bc6797e0eac32ad02d24bc .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u5037492735bc6797e0eac32ad02d24bc .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u5037492735bc6797e0eac32ad02d24bc .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u5037492735bc6797e0eac32ad02d24bc .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u5037492735bc6797e0eac32ad02d24bc:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u5037492735bc6797e0eac32ad02d24bc .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u5037492735bc6797e0eac32ad02d24bc .u5037492735bc6797e0eac32ad02d24bc-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u5037492735bc6797e0eac32ad02d24bc:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: A vessel too fragile Essay Strasbergs approach is certainly limited, but it has become so deep-rooted because it trains actors to animate the kinds of characters in the kinds of stories most audiences want to see. The exciting, humanistic program Hornby envisions, on the other hand, would enable actors to speak verse, to understand the historical purpose of the use of masks in Greek tragedy and the semiotics of the performance space in Shakespeares Globe, and to master a range of styles from Brechts alienation theory to Meyerholds biomechanics to Vakhantangovs fantastic realism; and for these splendidly prepared players there would be few jobs except for those in the kind of university theatre department Hornby proposes as his model.As Hornby must recognize but chooses not to stress, versatility of the type he advocates is not, and perhaps never has been, an asset in the American theatrical marketplace, where the raw native style, in which actors sell personality, has traditionally won out over the technical British style in which actors hide out behind an assortment of characters. The performers who do most of the acting in movies and on television and even in the theatre speak and move just like regular folks, projecting a here-and-now quality audiences are comfortable with.At the end of his book Hornby predicts optimistically about his educated actors that theatre will change them, and they will change theatre. But in a culture whose highest-paid performers are Sylvester Stallone and Arnold Schwarzenegger, would he not be whistling in the dark?
Saturday, March 21, 2020
8 Second-Semester Senior Feels Youre Bound to Have
Second-semester senior is the best time in college. Youre settled on campus with your friends, youre 21 and its your last few months with no responsibilities. But it can also be a little bittersweet. Here are the 8 second-semester senior feels youre bound to have: 1. You want to make the most out of your last semester with your friends. 2. But you also need to find a job. 3. You no longer care about your midterms, finals†¦ 4. But you’re also considering graduate school 5. You can’t wait to be in the real world. 6. But then you realize all the responsibilities you’ll have 7. You’re over all the stupid drama in your friend group. 8. But you can’t handle the thought of being apart from them. The next 2 months will be an emotional rollercoaster, but enjoy every minute of it! The friends you make in college are for life, so youll still see them, but nothing beats living in the same house and going out together whenever you want! Don’t forget to create an profileby uploading your past successful college application materials. On , you get paid for paying it forward!
Thursday, March 5, 2020
Free Online Public Schools for Arizona Students, K-12
Free Online Public Schools for Arizona Students, K-12 Arizona offers resident students the opportunity to take online public school courses for free. Below is a list of no-cost online schools currently serving elementary and high school students in Arizona. To qualify for the list, schools must meet the following qualifications: classes must be available completely online, they must offer services to state residents, and they must be funded by the government. Arizona Connections Academy Arizona Connections Academy is a tuition-free online public school that gives students throughout the state the flexibility to learn at home with a curriculum that meets rigorous state education standards. The school says its mission is to help each online student maximize his or her potential and meet the highest performance standards through a uniquely individualized virtual learning program. The schools virtual program includes: A K-12 curriculum developed by leading education expertsInstruction from state-certified teachers experienced in online instructionSupport from trained counselors, principals, and administrative staffFree textbooks, curriculum materials, and computer equipment (including a subsidy for Internet service) needed to participate in a dynamic online learning environment Arizona Virtual Academy Arizona Virtual Academy uses K12 online curricula to offer Arizona students individualized learning that features: Experienced, state-certified, highly qualified teachers, who are available online and by phoneCurriculum that covers both the core subject areas and electivesOnline planning and assessment tools, resources, and hands-on materials ranging from textbooks to microscopes, rocks, and soil to illustrated classic childrens storiesAccess to career-planning resources and counselors who help identify student goals and paths for success post-high schoolAn active, supportive school community that organizes monthly gatherings where parents, students, and staff share their successes and helpful hints Hope High School Online Hope High School, a fully accredited online program, is sponsored by the Arizona State Board of Charter Schools for students in grades seven 7 through 12. Hope High School Online is proud of our online high school being ranked (in Arizona) in the top four and top five for student achievement among alternative schools for English Language Arts and Math by AzMERIT, the school notes on its website. Students can log in on their own schedule and complete coursework at their own pace. The school offers two diploma options: a standard diploma for students who plan to attend a community college or trade school and a college prep diploma for students who plan to attend a four-year university. The college prep diploma includes higher-level math during the senior year and two years of foreign language. IQ Academy Arizona The IQ Academy Arizona, a virtual program for sixth-through-12-grade students, allows students to: Set their own scheduleLearn online, wherever they have internet accessTalk to teachers directly whenever they need helpStudy subjects that interest themGo at their own paceA free, school-supplied laptop Additionally, the school offers nearly 90 courses, in such subject areas as foreign language, technology, and psychology as well as advanced placement courses. The program also includes local and national clubs, face-to-face events, and a national IQ community website to help students make friends. Primavera High School Primavera Virtual High School, which serves more than 20,000 students each year, offers an alternative to traditional high school. The school seeks to provide second chances for students to earn their diplomas with a personalized, rigorous education through its online curriculum taught by highly qualified instructors and guidance counselors. We also host a robust student life at Primavera to create an atmosphere of collaboration and community, the school notes. With activities like student clubs, school dances and monthly events, Primavera students can easily meet their classmates and make friends. Sequoia Choice - Arizona Distance Learning Sequoia Choice – Arizona Distance Learning, founded in 1998, is a tuition-free Arizona public charter school authorized by the Arizona Department of Education to provide distance learning services to Arizona students in grades K-12. The school focuses on serving four types of students: Working students: A large majority of older students attend Sequoia Choice while working full or part-time. Students are able to access their courses at any time making school possible while working.Home-bound students: Some students have health or physical challenges which can make attending school difficult. Through distance learning, home-bound students are able to receive a quality education that provides the flexibility and availability they need.Year-round students: Traditional schools are available to students for nine months out of the year. Because the school is year-round, students who need the extra time are granted extra time.Credit recovery students: Students sometimes get behind in their required credits for high school graduation. One option in getting caught up is to take an online course for credit recovery. Sequoia Choice offers both semesters of all core subjects at any time during the year.
Tuesday, February 18, 2020
Shakespearean Drama Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1
Shakespearean Drama - Essay Example Jews were only allowed to be money lenders or peddlers. It was common that they didnt charge interest but only took property if the debt was not honored. Jews were stereotyped as very few people actually met a Jew in his life time. It was humorous to say that Shylock wanted a pound of flesh as payment, knowing that it would never be done. This is ironic symbolism of being circumcised which is one of the steps of conversion towards Judaism. At the end of the play he is being forced to convert to Christianity. Secondly, murder would never be accepted. Antonio had been rude and nasty. Why should Shylock have ever done anything nice for him as giving him the 3000 Ducats. They had a love hate relationship. This is something which one only does for a friend. Something else was making him furious and had changed in their relationship. Perhaps losing his daughter to his Christian Servant where they both run away to get married. Then Lorenzio goes to work for Antonios friend Basanio. Shylock has a lot to be angry for. It is no longer a question of money thus the stereotype of money no longer is applicable. "The quality of mercy is not strained †¦ it blesseth him that gives and him that takes." (Portia, IV, i) Portia is saying that mercy is higher that demanding justice. Shylock recognizes the contract with Antonio but if he gives him mercy, it ends there. If he demands justice, the court of Venice takes over and it will be Shylock who looses his life. Her logic is excellent and surprising. There is no reference to Judaism but to humanity itself. Mercy takes precedence over justice. "How far that little candle throws his beams! So shines a good deed in a naughty world." (Portia, V, i) Portia follows later in the same seen to explain that "Nothing is good, I see, without respect. " Is she making reference to Shylock that he is indeed a good man who was wronged by Antonio. He has lost his daughter to Lorenzo who is a friend of Antonio.
Monday, February 3, 2020
Black Power Mix Tape Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Black Power Mix Tape - Movie Review Example Davis argues that any movement would require a focus towards its goals and the achievement of these goals needed to be done through means that were available to the resisting community. Davis points out the hypocrisy of the government, members of whom make incendiary comments against the African American community and in the same breath accusing the African American community of violence. Davis’s grouse against such comments stems from the institutional violence that African Americans have to face on a daily basis, leading to reduced economic and political opportunities. Diane Ravitch argues that society as a whole, if it is to be an educated one, would have to preserve its integrity (Ravitch). This idea can be connected to Davis’s notion of revolution. Revolution, for Davis, is for the establishment of a society that has integrity. The very notion of revolution too is characterized by its honesty, as far as Davis is
Sunday, January 26, 2020
Literature Review on Theories of Performance Appraisal
Literature Review on Theories of Performance Appraisal Introduction: Performance appraisal means to evaluate the performance of employees that they are performing their jobs up to the standard of the organizations or not. To evaluate the performance of employees it is very important to establish a proper performance appraisal system in the organization and to give the training to the managers of the organization to appraise the performance of employees correctly. This is a broad topic for research and many researchers have done their researches on performance appraisal to improve the performance appraisal system of organization. In some organizations management has implemented poor system of appraisal in these articles authors have discussed that the have found the negative attitude of employees towards performance appraisal. The main purpose of this project was to explore the appraisal system in work place and identifying the importance of appraise and appraiser role to form a positive and effective system. In these articles they have worked on to gi ve the knowledge to healthcare professionals about difficulties of implanting an appraisal system, including the lack of guidelines on skills and knowledge required. Researchers have used DEA data envelope analysis as a fair evaluating and sorting tool to support appraisal system. This study supports the ideas that rating formats need reexamination with a focus on computer based models as an alternative to traditional rating methods. Another method has already been used (AHP) analytic hierarchy process to evaluate the performance of employees based on the criteria: . Quantity/quality of the work, planning/organization, initiative/commitment, teamwork/cooperation, communication and external factors. All these criteria have been divided into three sub criteria to evaluate the employees. On performance appraisal researchers have done work on different areas but there is no work has been done on that which performance appraisal tools are more useful for evaluating the performance of employees. I want to do my research on methods of performance appraisal that which methods are more useful and give best result to evaluate the performance of the employees. Literature review: T. R. Manoharan (2002) has written In this article authors have discussed that they have noticed that in many organizations appraisal systems are: (a) not relevant to organizational objectives, (b) subject to personal bias, and (c) are often influenced more heavily by personality than by performance. To eliminate these negative things there is a attempt with a computer based tool called Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) which is used in the working place to evaluate the performance of employees. Sample size is 23 employees. A DEA study provides the following four properties (Paradi, Smith Schaffnit-Chatterjee 2002). A piecewise linear empirical envelopment surface to represent the best practice frontier, consisting of units which exhibit the highest attainable outputs in relation to all other DMUà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢s in the population, for their given level of inputs An efficiency metric to represent the maximal performance measure for each DMU(Decision Making Units) measured by its distance to the frontier Specific targets or efficient projections onto the frontier for each inefficient DMU An efficient reference set or peer group for each DMU defined by the efficient units closest to the DMU Here regression analysis is used and correlation has been checked in between these factors of DEA data set: Job knowledge, customer relation, work habit, interpersonal relations, quality and quantity. Through this analysis they have measured the efficiency and productivity of each employee. Rafikul Islam(July 8-10, 2005) has discussed In this article scholars have discussed that to evaluate the performance of organization that it is meeting its goals or not, it is important to evaluate the performance of employees of the organization and for this evaluation effective performance appraisal system should be maintained. They have mentioned two main objectives of this study first is to give rewards to those employees who have performed good in achieving organizational goals and second is to identify those objectives which are not met and make an action plan to ensure that they will achieved in future. In this paper AHP (analytic hierarchy process) to evaluate employee performance. The criteria is used for appraisal is: quantity/quality of the work, planning/organization, initiative/commitment, teamwork/cooperation, communication and external factors. Their sample size is 294 employees. There are many advantages of using AHP i.e AHP can compare two decision elements at a time, it is easy and simple to use, it can easily accommodate multiple decision makers to solve any specific problem. AHP can easily accommodate multiple decision makers to solve a particular problem AHP compares two decision elements (criteria/alternatives) at a time. AHP is simple and easy to apply. Graeme Redshaw (2008) has written in this article is about to improve the performance appraisal system of nurses in organization. Author distributed questionnaire to 8 nurses to know about the performance appraisal system of the organization. 7 nurses were nervous before the appraisal and 1 was confident after the appraisal all nurses were agreed with the outcomes of appraisal. If the successful appraisal system is established so there will be clear aims and objectives, and will be able to implement fairly. Proper training will be provided to the managers to appraise the staff correctly. Diane Shaffer(May 11, 2009) has written in his article writer has discussed that motivation and performance appraisal are interrelated. Motivation is dependent on performance management. Employees who are motivated and happy with their jobs want to stay connected with the company for a long time. Many organizations have not implemented correct performance appraisal system to evaluate the performance of employees. Author has discussed here that they should implement a successful appraisal method/system and also give reward to employees who perform good in the organization. Through this practice employee become motivated towards their jobs and improve their performance and performance of organization as a whole will also improve. Almuth McDowall (2009)has discussed in his article that due to the high level of competition training and development has become very important. Ità ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢s a era of globalization so it is playing a key role for the organization to get competitive advantage. While selection of activities including coaching, 360 degree appraisal and development centers (DCs) are become linked to development. In this article 360 degree appraisal has been discussed that it is very important to give the feedback to the employees about their performances. Positive feedback motivates the employees and they become more willing to work for further development programs. The authors examine different development activities with the aim being to provide a framework with which to assess each oneà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢s effectiveness. They compare the processes incorporating a range of significant factors and highlight several important implications that arise for any aim to m eet organizations. Donald L. Caruth (2009)has discussed that the purpose of this paper is to demonstrate the need for and propose a more aligned and integrated standard for performance evaluation to enhance effective strategic control. The paper reviews the various issues creating discontent with the performance appraisal systems within many organizations and demonstrates how these problems inhibit successful strategic control. It attempts to cogently incorporate the performance appraisal characteristics needed for the exercise to function as a critical organizational control metric and a useful feedback mechanism for strategic management of the firm. The paper finds that, whereas performance evaluation has received reasonably robust examination in the human resources literature, explicit guidance toward the integration with strategic control is inadequate. Without consistent alignment between these functions, however, performance appraisal becomes an exercise in futility instead of a vital control mea surement, often resulting in not only personnel dissatisfaction, but also, more importantly, an impediment to systematic strategy implementation. H.C. Shiva Prasad(2010) in this research paper authers have done work to dheck the performance of indian software professionals (SPs) Data were collected from 441 software and senior software engineers from eight Indian software firms. The team leaders assessed the performance of software and senior software engineers on 16 items. The exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses of scores on 16 items of the instrument suggest six dimensions of performance. They are work-efficiency, personal resourcefulness, inter- and intra-personal sensitivity, productivity orientation, timeliness, and business intelligence. The dimensions have reliability and high convergent validity. SPs having more years of experience, higher need for achievement, and higher need for social power are high performers. Human resource managers can evaluate the performance of SPs holistically on six dimensions for training, reward administration, job rotation, and promotion decisions.
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