Sunday, December 8, 2019

Event Tourism Impact On The Economy Samples †

Question: Discuss about the Event Tourism Impact On The Economy. Answer: Event tourism has become a globally significant factor that has a great impact on the economy, culture ad environment on the region where it has been arranged. Event tourism is a method of destination marketing orientation through which the marketers create events for attracting the tourists. This process includes facilitating and creating various types of events where the catalysts, image makers, animators and the place marketers (Gursoy, Milito and Nunkoo 2017). These cohorts manage the portfolios of events as the assets of that particular destination. Here the tourists are the core business for whom the destination events are created. From the aspect of demand, event tourism increases the propensity of travel for attending events both to the dedicated evet visitors as well as the tourists visiting vets while present in the same destination. The history of event tourism has its history in the ancient time when the Olympic games started in the ancient Greece. Later in the mediaeval age the religious people used to gather in the religious events arranged in a particular destination to follow their leaders. Afterwards, event tourism got its modern version in the 19th century with the beginning of the modern Olympic. The sports attracted the professional players around the world and with them the global audience gathered in the games village. As mentioned before, event tourism has a great impact on the economy of the region. This is due to the fact that the marketers hold different types of events for adding extra segment with the other natural attractions of the destination for the tourists (Getz and Page 2016). The regular tourists therefore select the destinations either according to the schedule of the events or attend special events beside enjoying the destinations. As the tourists are the chief focus of the event organisers, the infrastructure andtransportation management get special attention of the governments (Dogan and Aslan 2017). These industries directly subsidise the tourism industry hence affect the economy of the region. As the tourists visit the spot to attend the events, the hospitality sector which include the hotels and restaurants where the visitors stay and eat, gets benefitted. According to the variation of events there are mainly two types of events, one is for entertainment which include music festivals, royal occasions, weddings, carnivals, sports events and various types of fairs. Another type of events comprises of business summits, political campaignings, meetings, science seminars, medical clinics and educational conferences. According to the size of the events there are mainly of four types which are comprises of mega events, hallmark events, major and community events. Mega events have higher value and highest tourist demand hence get the highest media coverage. These have the most tourist attractiveness therefore take highest responsibility for development. The instance of mega events includes the football world cup, rugby world cup ceremonies and mega music festivals. The hallmark events include the celebrations with a fortnights duration (Tyrvinen, Silvennoinen and Hallikainen 2017). For example, The Atlanta Conference, Artificial Intelligence Conference Exhibition where the managers increase awareness and appeal for one particular notion yet manage the profitability of the tourist destination. Through these types of events, the destinations get benefit to demonstrate quality, tradition, culture and attractiveness to the visitors. Both mega and hall mark events offer the host venue an immense popularity and competitive edge than other places. Major and community events do not have such popularity and media coverage. They have medium tourist attractions. The visitors who attend such events are either the local people or the tourists present at that place at that time (Ouyang, Gursoy and Sharma 2017). These types of events do not have huge international visitors but can be more appealing to the brands operation who work in the local level. The economic expectations are much less from these events and seek less investments. These kinds of events mainly focus on some particular group of people either art and music lovers or local businessmen who gather to exhibit their aptitudes. For example, Noosa food and wine festival and the Falls Art and Music Festival celebrated in Australia are major events which are mainly attended by the tourists present for vacation ( 2018). Woodford Folk festival is an example of community event where the people gather to share their knowledge about the Australian aboriginals. Here the culture, art, music and tradition of the communities are put up to showcase (Li, Hsu and Lawton 2015). The local talent gets exposed through exhibitions and celebrate their identities. As mentioned before that the event tourism has a far reaching effect on the local economy, it has direct contribute on to the GDP of the country. The stage services, decorations, catering services, accommodation services and transportation sector get direct advantage when a destination is selected for arranging event. Event tourism needs involvement of more people as the amount of tourist visit suddenly increases in a place for a little period of time. Hence carets scopes for employment which enhances the scope for improvement of lifestyle as well as per capita income of a family. Sometimes, there are music festivals, sports and other celebrations in which the demand of the traditional handicraft increases among the visitors. Handicrafts and souvenirs are potential for contributing in the economic growth of the country. In order to provide the international visitors all kind of facilities, the local and national governments collect taxes and get grants from their sponsors which are spent in improving the infrastructure of the destination so that the destination can be best fitted for more types of evets later (Arranz et al. 2017). However, in this case, often the destinations may not arrange proper facilities of accommodation and catering, then the international brand gather and arrange all necessities for the events and take away their share of profit without contributing anything in the national income. Events according to their size and popularity have a great mass movement either in local, national or international aspects. This movement has a great effect on the society and culture of the region. Through events, the tourists visit the destination place and communicate with the local people. By doing this, they exchange their knowledge that reflect their culture. Thus the cultural exchange start which has a positive effect on both the cultures. Different kinds of events attract different types of people hence the local companies get to know the culture and behaviour of the visitors and learn the tools for serving them accordingly. Through community events along with mega or hall mark events, the local artists or musicians get chance to showcase their events before the international visitors which may popularise them internationally. The events also effect the environment of the destination. Due to mass movement into one place suddenly increases pollution level as well as human wastes that affect the balance of the region greatly. Due to improving infrastructure such as buildings for accommodation for the international guests, transport system, stadiums and places for arranging the events lead to deforestation. This however, leads to increase the level of carbon emission which takes much time to be mitigated. However, in some cases, for international events, the agencies and governments take care of mending the defective infrastructure and drainage system along with forestation which reduce pollution. References: Arranz, N., Ubierna, F., Arroyabe, M.F., Perez, C. and Fdez. de Arroyabe, J.C., 2017. The effect of tourism education on students entrepreneurial vocation.Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism,17(3), pp.312-330. (2018).Concerts and Performances in Australia - Tourism Australia. [online] Available at: [Accessed 24 Mar. 2018]. Dogan, E. and Aslan, A., 2017. Exploring the relationship among CO2 emissions, real GDP, energy consumption and tourism in the EU and candidate countries: Evidence from panel models robust to heterogeneity and cross-sectional dependence.Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews,77, pp.239-245. Getz, D. and Page, S.J., 2016. Progress and prospects for event tourism research. Tourism Management,52, pp.593-631. Gursoy, D., Milito, M.C. and Nunkoo, R., 2017. Residents' support for a mega-event: The case of the 2014 FIFA World Cup, Natal, Brazil.Journal of Destination Marketing Management,6(4), pp.344-352. Li, X., Hsu, C.H. and Lawton, L.J., 2015. Understanding residents perception changes toward a mega-event through a dual-theory lens.Journal of Travel Research,54(3), pp.396-410. Ouyang, Z., Gursoy, D. and Sharma, B., 2017. Role of trust, emotions and event attachment on residents' attitudes toward tourism. Tourism Management,63, pp.426-438. Tyrvinen, L., Silvennoinen, H. and Hallikainen, V., 2017. Effect of the season and forest management on the visual quality of the nature-based tourism environment: a case from Finnish Lapland.Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research,32(4), pp.349-359.

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