Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Death Of A Salesman Essays - Characters In Macbeth, Free Essays
Death Of A Salesman Essays - Characters In Macbeth, Free Essays Death Of A Salesman On one spring day four black widow spiders (two begin male and 2 begin female) went up a tree in couples of the opposite sex. One couple was foreign to America, the other was not. They were all at their sexual prime and to do a mating ritual called sex. When the foreigners were done the male became very tired and all he wanted to do was sleep, but the much larger female spider flighty and talkative. She wanted to talk of their recent sexual experience, but the male was far too tired and told her to shut-up. Like all women she became emotionally scared and in retaliation she killed her much smaller spouse. Not exactly the June Cleaver type of spider is she? On the other side of the tree lie the American Widows. The female does not feel that sexually active, but she spreads her eight legs and submits herself in honour of her idea of a greater male cause. The fact of the matter is that the American woman never had the chance to fulfill their mission (which is inborn in all of man) to prosper in life, but they cannot do this seeing that they are confined in the kitchen, busy doing the dishes and saying . . .yes dear. Would you like another beer? The role of the American woman (which was to look after the man of the house and the house itself) is vividly exemplified through Linda Loman in Arthur Millers Death Of A Salesman. Of course Arthur knows all about the role of women in American society, how do you think his dishes got done when he was writing this play. Before we start to delve in the juicy core of this essay, lets get one thing straight. An aggressive and eager woman makes a powerful difference in the evolution of society. Take Lady Macbeth from William Shaksperes Macbeth. She did wonders for both Scotland and Macbeth. Its really ashame that hes own people decapitated him at the end of the play. Look at Eve from the Bible in the book of Genius. Good old Adam couldnt screwed it up for the rest of mankind without Eves guiding hand. And look at the Mrs. Ramsay from Robertson Davies Fifth Business. Without her, poor Dunny probably wouldnt have joined the army and he would still had his leg that he lost in the war. On a more serious note, women have been deprived to excell in such things as politics for example. I believe the world would be a better place if the women were running it. Oh ya, there would be no war, the estragon of a woman would take care of that, well, except when there PMS-ing or the older ones are having hot flashes. But there is a way around that problem. If the women organized it so there would be at least five to six female Presidents and the one thats in power thats PMS-ing would resign and go have visits intern - Monty Lewinsky while another President takes over. Furthermore there would be no world famine, except when the women are pregnant and there emotional session with Richard Simmons is over and he is out of there sight. It is indeed a fact that if the American Woman were to be treated equal to men (as they should be) I definitely believe that the world or America at least would have been a better place to live in, for the women would be the missing gap in most American situations that spaned outside the kitchen. Although they are not perfect like Lady Macbeth, Eve, and Mrs. Ramsay either are us men. Linda Loman from Death Of A Salesman is one of those women that would have been an excellent as asset to her family and others around her. She was disheartened housewife which fulfilled all the tasks of the usual American housewife - that which is central to accomplish the American Dream(which was a family with a financially success for a father figure, a caring wife that is responsible for cooking, cleaning, support, sex whenever the man demands it, children minimum of two which are of the opposite sex, a nice house, a nice car and of course that white picket fence.) To follow Lindas example as she lives her life is to be considered to most Americans a prime example to go by.
Friday, November 22, 2019
What Is the ACT Fifth Section Answers From ACT, Inc.
What Is the ACT Fifth Section Answers From ACT, Inc. SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips If you took the ACT on April 9th or if you had friends who did, you might have heard there was a fifth section, which is abnormal. Usually, the ACT has four sections plus an optional writing section: Math, Reading, English, and Science. However, on April 9th, at certain test centers, there were five sections plus an optional writing section: Math, Reading, English, Science, and additional Science. What was this fifth section? Why was it there? I talked to theDirector of Public Relations atACT, Inc., and got the answers! What Is the ACT Fifth Section? This ACT fifth section was an experimental section. This was confirmed by EdColby, the Director of Public Relations at ACT, Inc.If you’re familiar with the SAT, you know that on every test they include anexperimental section, which doesn’t count towards your score.If you took the ACT on April 9th and were panicked about the fifth section (the extra science section), do not fret! The fifth section will not count towards your score. Repeat, this section will not be factored into your ACT score, so do not stress about it. According to Mr. Colby, this isn't the first time the ACT has included an experimental section.While the ACT is not as well known for having an experimental section, ACT, Inc.,includes experimental sections with the ACT a couple of times per year.It’s not done on every test date, and it’s not done at all test centers. Mr. Colby said that, typically, students who take the ACT without the optional essay will be the ones to see the experimental section.The ACT test writersknow that it’s a long test and try to keep the experimental section as concise as possible.The experimental section is usually 30 minutes long.The experimental section could cover questions from any of the four sections:Math, Reading, English, or Science. Why Is It There? The experimental section is there to help ACT, Inc., field test potential new questions.On the April 9th test, it seems the ACT was testing out some new questions for the science section. Think of the experimental section like an experiment.ACT, Inc., is conducting an experiment using you the test-takers.They have new questions that they think are fair, but they want to test that hypothesis.To test that hypothesis, they include the extra section after the normal test is complete. They don’t tell you that the section is experimental or that it doesn’t count because they want you the test-taker to take the section seriously.If every student knew the section was experimental/didn’t count, how many students would just choose to sleep during the section and/or not bubble anything in the scantron?Probably quite a few students would not complete the section. They need students to put as much effort into the experimental section as they would the other four sections, so they can compare how students did on the regular questions to how students did on the experimental section. Based on how students performed, the ACT will decide whether the questions are fair.If they decide the questions are fair, the ACT will likely incorporate them into a future test.If not, the ACT likely tosses out those questions. Mr. Colby noted that ACT, Inc., really appreciate all of the students who take the experimental section and hopes they take it seriously because it will help ensure their peers have a fair test. Students who took the section had varied reactions. What Were Student Reactions? To gauge student reactions, I went to Twitter: So what was that 5th @ACT test for? - Marina (@Marina_faith123) April 9, 2016 Since when is there a fifth part to the ACT test - â“ ¡Ã¢â€œâ€Ã¢â€œ Ⓠ(@renenicole1016) April 9, 2016 Act test was decent that science wasn't even asking questions about the experiment 😂💠¯Ã°Å¸Ëœ © - The Under-under Dog (@DreBryant5) April 9, 2016 Students were generally very thrown off by the fifth section.Also, as I said earlier, students were not told this was an experimental section, and many students were/are afraid this section will count towards their score. Remember, if you took the April 9th test or if you take the ACT in the future and see a fifth section, this section is experimental and will not count towards your score. What Does This Mean For You? This means that if you're planning on taking the ACT sometime in the future, do not be worried if you see a fifth section. Know that this section is experimental and will not count towards your ACT composite score. That being said, you should treat the section seriously since it will affect future ACT test. Try to complete it to the best of your ability, but don't stress about feeling unprepared for the content. You don't need to be prepared for the content since it will not count towards your score. What’s Next? Getting ready to take the ACT soon? Check out our ultimate guides to the Reading, English, Math, andScience sections. Also, make sure you know the rules and regulations. Applying to college? Not sure where you want to go? Read our guideto finding your target schooland our guide to finding your target ACT score. Stressed about your college application? Read our guides to letters of recommendation, personal essays, and the common app. Want to improve your ACT score by 4+ points? Download our free guide to the top 5 strategies you need in your prep to improve your ACT score dramatically.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Confronting Gender Inequality in Botswana Essay
Confronting Gender Inequality in Botswana - Essay Example Many of the government’s Western-influenced programs have addressed, but failed to root out, ancient customs that continue to challenge the country’s attempts to achieve equality. Customary inequality: Gender disparity among married women Botswana’s legal system operates in an awkward and impractical two-track paradigm, with cultural laws and customs existing alongside the nation’s common law. The conflict inherent in this system allows traditional gender inequality to exist in spite of anti-discriminatory laws passed by the government in recent years, written expressly to establish a gender-neutral social system. Botswana’s traditional law remains â€Å"particularly prejudicial to women’s rights, perpetuating unequal power relations between men and women and strengthening stereotypes on (Name) 2 the role of women†(Shadow Report to the CEDAW Committee, BOCONGO, 2009). The Domestic Violence Act was passed in 2008 but unequal power rela tions persist between men and women. This law criminalized acts of violence against women, but the fundamental conflict between tribal/customary and common law has frustrated efforts to legislate equality between the sexes. In Botswana, even today, â€Å"under customary law and common rural practices men are perceived to have the right to ‘chastise’ their wives†(Shadow Report to the CEDAW Committee, BOCONGO, 2009). At present, the law sets 18 as the minimum marriage age. But traditional practice honors no such age limit and considers women of all ages to be minors, extending no individual financial or property rights. Worse, married women who experience physical violence of some form have very few practical rights. A 2009 United Nations report indicated that three of every five women in Botswana have experienced some kind of domestic violence. The minimum punishment for rape is 10 years in prison, but marital rape is not a criminal offense. There is no provision in the law requiring victims to be tested for rape and, as of 2010, there was only one domestic violence shelter in operation (Shadow Report to the CEDAW Committee, 2009). In a 2010 statement to the 45th session of the Convention of the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW), Botswana Ambassador Boometswe Mokgothu reported that the country recognizes the importance of addressing the problem at its source. To that end, the government has embarked on a â€Å"sensitization†campaign aimed at the guardians of the country’s tribal customs, the Ntlo ya Dikgosi. â€Å"Sensitization of the Dikgosi is very important (Name) 3 to solicit their support, especially that some of the discriminatory and harmful practices that impact negatively on women and development are found in this area†(Mokgothu, 5). Addressing the problem at the tribal level stands out as a remarkably enlightened and progressive tactic aimed at effecting change at the source. It is essentia l that the government continue to establish long-term working partnerships with tribal leaders if true gender equality is to be maintained. Young, pregnant and uneducated: Seeking educational equality for pregnant teens In Botswana, pregnancy is one of the main reasons young women drop out of school.Â
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Julius Caesar Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Julius Caesar - Essay Example Moreover political corruption was prevailed to the full extend, and the entire Mediterranean suffered from the inefficient administration of Rome. Just about since 133 B.C. in Rome itself had began continuous period of disorders. Politics, generals and demagogues fought for the power. Partisan armies (such as army of Marius in 87 B.C. and the army of Sulla in 82 B.C.) passed Rome marching. Although the Senate's incapacity to govern was clear to everybody, the majority of Roman citizens wanted to restore the republic government. Julius Caesar was, probably, the first political leader, who clearly understood, that this government was no longer worth of being preserved. Caesar came from the family of patricians, which itself had been originated from Julus - the son of Aeneas, the legendary Trojan hero, who had been born by the goddess named Aphrodite (Venus). Having such renowned ancestors, it was rather simple to Caesar to get a high post in the Roman republic. However, following the family tradition he became a priest of Jupiter, the supreme God of Rome. Strict rules forbade him to leave the city more than for two nights, to divorce with the wife, and to take weapon in his hands. But Julius's fate predetermined the other. Roman politics was divided between two factions, the optimates, who favored aristocratic rule, and the populares, who preferred to appeal directly to the electorate. He became one of the leaders of the populares party, but his patrician origin prevented him from holding the position of tribune, which Caesar had so much wished for. The majority of Caesar's family belonged to the senatorial party of optimates, which represented the interests of old aristocracy. However, Caesar from the very beginning of his political career joined to populares. The reason for this was his kinship to Gaius Marius, a great soldier, whose outstanding career had become an exemplar for young Julius. Caesar' mother Aurelia Cotta occurred from the notable patrician family, and was a real example of Roman matron, whose strictness and exactingness helped to bring her son up as a real soldier and statesman. They lived in a modest house in the Subura, a lower class neighborhood of Rome2, where Marcus Antonius Gn ipho, an orator and grammarian, who originally came from Gaul, was employed as Caesar's tutor.He got a good education and went in for politics in his youth. In 68 B.C. Caesar became the quaestor. His main responsibility was to control the state exchequer and finances. From now it gave him the right to be named the Senator. On being appointed to the position of Aedile, whose responsibility was
Saturday, November 16, 2019
To His Coy Mistress Essay Example for Free
To His Coy Mistress Essay The poem is a deductive poem written by a much older person to the little mistress. The 46 line poem can be said to be divided into three different parts where the author tries to make a point. The first part, lines 1- 20, introduces the limitation of time in for the poet to sing of the mistresses’ beauty and shyness. This is seen in line 1 where the poet says â€Å"Had we enough time†and â€Å"†¦an hundred years should go to praise†¦Thine eyes, and on thy forehead gaze†. Generally, the poem is an argument that follows procession of the poet’s thought. In the second part of the poem, lines 21-32, poet says that with the poet arguing that time is indeed short and unfavorable to lovers as they can not enjoy their love for long as â€Å"†¦time is winged†â€Å"†¦And you quaint honor turn to dust, And into ashes all my lust†. In the third part, lines 33-46, the poet draws a conclusion that due to the fact that life is short and time unlimited, they should throw away any care and tear their pleasure with rough strife. The tone of the poet used a flirty and seductive tone in conveying his message to his beloved mistress. The setting of the poem is in medieval times when it was socially unacceptable for ladies to express their desire for a man even though they are in love with him. They are to show some â€Å"coyness†at first so feign indifference to the romantic advances of men. He used seductive words like â€Å"†¦two hundred to adore each breast†(line 15), â€Å"†¦and your quaint honor turns to dust†¦ and into ashes all my lust†(lines 29 and 30). The poet uses rhyme scheme that follows the aa, bb, cc pattern. He also uses metaphorical expression in the poem. This can be seen in lines 11, 22, 35 and 36. In addition to this, the poet used imagery as a tool in the poem. This can be seen in lines 6, 12, 16, 24, 27, 29, 30, 36, 38, 39. He also used simile in lines 34 â€Å"†¦like morning dew†, and lines 38 â€Å"†¦like amorous birds of prey†. He also used allusion in line 11 where he said â€Å"†¦vegetable love†.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Nuclear powers role in environmental protection :: essays research papers
Nuclear power's role in environmental protection | Nuclear techniques for environmental protection Nuclear power can be an effective tool in reducing stress on the environment. Environmental concerns are high on today's political agenda. People's awareness of the planet's precarious health has been reinforced by scientific warnings that quick, vigorous, and sustained action must be taken if we are to preserve the world in which we live. Public perception and anxiety about acid rain, ozone layer depletion, and the greenhouse effect have been heightened in recent years. Enhanced awareness offers an unprecedented opportunity for members of the world community to make rational, informed decisions in the environmental debate. Energy, in particular electricity generation, is fundamental to social and economic development. The use of hydropower, coal, oil and gas has helped to stimulate economic growth and raise the standards of living of people worldwide. All major forms of electricity generation, however, have some effect on the environment, frequently with starkly negative results. The burning of fossil fuels, scientists say, can contribute some 50 percent to the warming of the global atmosphere. Man's harnessing of these resources involves risks to the environment, as well as to people involved in activities associated with energy technologies. The link between energy and the environment is undeniable. The world must therefore carefully examine its energy alternatives, and alternatives must be found to reduce the influence of fossile fuels on the environment, in parallel with conservation efforts. Nuclear energy can claim to be a clean, economical option for the generation of electricity and as one when looking at ways to help relieve stress on the environment. Conclusions of the 14th Congress of the World Energy Conference in Montreal in late September, 1989 indicate that environmental effects of energy uses and the world's growing demand for electricity are prime reasons warranting a renewed emphasis on nuclear power. Conservation is a significant, realistic, and necessary element in trying to reduce the burning of fossil fuels. Conservation implies both a more efficient and more discriminating use of energy. But, as the former International Atomic Energy Agency's (IAEA) Director General Dr. Hans Blix has said, current plans of developing countries foresee a sharp increase in the use of fossil fuels. This means that if we are to succeed in stabilizing and indeed diminishing the greenhouse effect, industrialized countries must make the major effort. Nuclear power can be one effective tool in this vital endeavour.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Media and Communication Theory
In the 21st Century Media technology and Telecommunication Technology has undergone tremendous changes in its technological advancement. In the 1990’s this technological innovation has given birth to the World Wide Web and the Internet technology.Many writers in this field in many theoretical perspectives have analyzed the impact of media technology on society. In this essay I will discuss the theory of â€Å"technological determinism and its inevitability†using primarily the theoretical and historical evaluation of Media technology on society advocated by Burnett & P. David Marshall in their book â€Å"Web Theory: An Introduction†. In addition I will also use examples of Radio and Television on Western Society and the forces, which shaped the Medias impact on Society values and culture and, way of life as well as how it supplemented or whether it replaced the earlier Media technologies such as Television, radio, News papers and print technologies.Brief history of InternetThe origins of Internet are in the Military Institutions of USA. It was an incidental development to gather Security information and assimilations within the defense bureaucracy. It was in the public domain as government was involved in its early development. Later the Universities recognized its potential to share information within the universities and they adopted this technology for their research work.As a result of this process the bulletin boards appeared first for science fiction and then for personal and other reasons by many user groups who had common interest. After the Internet was commercialized and independent service providers entered the market and e-commerce was introduced by the private sector and the control of web past from the public sector to the private sector. (Robert Burnett, P. David Marshall, 2003, pp: 11-12)Definition of the theory of â€Å"technological determinism and inevitabilityThe theory of technological determinism can be defined as the major influence of the dominant technology to have a major impact on society and its inevitability and its transformation power and the replacement of older technologies and social practices. It assumes that people react to technology and economic, social, institutional and political factors is not that important and the major force can be reduced to technology as a major change agent for the societies advancement and enlightenment. (Robert Burnett, P. David Marshall, 2003. pp: 10-11)Origins of the theory of â€Å"technological determinism and inevitabilityThe origins of the theory were due to several writers who promoted this theory as well as powerful people in politics and in Commerce promoted it. These writers attributed just like other media technologies the Internet also will have a revolutionary impact on society. (Robert Burnett, P. David Marshall, 2003, pp: 7-8)The ideology of technology and its effectsThe ideology of technology means is a representation is completely normal and natural for the culture as well asappropriate. That is the new technology not only natural and normal bur also what is needed to make the society better. It reduces the debate to a functional level rather than public debate and becomes a cultural reality in every day lives and we accept new technology passively. It promotes that we cannot be happy without the latest model of technological equipment or model. (Robert Burnett, P. David Marshall, 2003, p: 9)Evaluation of Technological determinism based on Web TheoryAs discussed above from the brief history of the Internet and noticing other factors has also played a part in the evolution of the Internet such as institutional and social patterns it is obvious that new technology alone may not bring about a revolutionary change in society. As well if this theory stifles public debate it may not produce positive outcomes and can be detriment for societies progress. In addition it does not take in to account social, economic Institutional and political factors as important and it may oversimplify how technology impacts society and gives in appropriate weight for technology as a major factor for social betterment.However some writers of technical determinists have shed some light on the actual development of web technology, which in itself can be a major social change factor in limited situations. They are H.A. Innis, Marshall McLuhan, Lewis Mumford (Robert Burnett, P. David Marshall, 2003, P: 12). According to H. A InnisA dominant communication medium can be time-based or space based. (Robert Burnett, P. David Marshall, 2003, P: 13) According to him time- based communication system will produce a close society and a space based communication medium will produce a more open society. (, Robert Burnett, P. David Marshall 2003, P: 13) Web technology is an active play with space and time and its diffused and web does not have a center however as it originates in America on the other hand it may create a centralizing model of communication. (Robert Burnett, P. David Marshall, 2003, P: 14-15).Another interesting question. which arises from Inns insight is how the space is defined through the web? Does the control of virtual space control the geographical space? (Robert Burnett, P. David Marshall 2003, P: 15) The virtual space is discontinuous with the material world of countries and geopolitics. (Robert Burnett, P. David Marshall 2003, P: 15) However there may be new divides acrossEvaluation of Technological determinism based on Web Theory geographical boundaries in the virtual world grouping activities and interests which may relate to power groups that may be not coordinated with the interests of empires if multinational companies do not control the cyberspace. If they control the cyberspace then it will have repercussions in the international geopolitics of work, economy and culture. (Robert Burnett, P. David Marshall 2003, P: 15)In the perspective of Marshall McLu han he theorizes technology as a medium. In the Web Theory of Robert Burnett, P. David Marshall they highlight the utility of seeing web as a medium rather than its content because it points in the right direction how a technology incorporates other technologies in the early stages and evolves on a long-term basis rather than replacing past technologies as web uses voice, text, visual and graphics to convey messages and linked with other networks and similar sites.(Robert Burnett, P. David Marshall. 2003 p: 17) In addition McLuhan saw the expansion of television and other communication technology internationally he came with an idea of global village. (Robert Burnett, P. David Marshall. 2003 p: 18). According to Robert Burnett, P. David Marshall this idea of global village in respect of television internationally a least for 80 years in their view television as a media technology has been a major force for the culmination of nation state and nationalistic cultures as well they concl uded in some circumstances the television and other media technologies can have similarities for example the death of Kennedy televised across the world may have produced a kind of global village.However they rejected that these events did not produce sense of community like a village, which depended on interpersonal knowledge to make sense of the world. (Robert Burnett, P. David Marshall. 2003 p: 18)Evaluation of Technological determinism based on Web TheoryMcLuhan also has theorized technology can produce electronic collective consciousness. (Robert Burnett, P. David Marshall. 2003, p: 19). In the view of Robert Burnett, P. David Marshall this idea is utopian however they concluded that in smaller ways web technology can produce collective consciousness because of its nature and accessibility to information learning in schools and beyond has become to retrieve information and transform in to knowledge and action rather than route learning and memorization in western societies befo re advent of the web. (Robert Burnett, P. David Marshall. 2003, p: 19).As well Robert Burnett, P. David Marshall point in page 20 that technology can shape our behavior in particular ways so that we often become unified with the technology and give examples of driving a car and it has to become automatic to drive the car with confidence.According to Mumford technology has become out-of control and poised to ask question whether web has become out-of-control and a channel for further centralization of power or web is an extension of general human interest and democratizing knowledge and power? As well on an individual level one can ask the question does the web intuitively an extension of self in to kind of collective network of knowledge or information or the individual is absorbed in to the web technology which produces technological rationality that does not allow the individual to examine the system the individual is using.(Robert Burnett, P. David Marshall, 2003, p: 20). Accordi ng to Robert Burnett, P. David Marshall these questions are complex and there is no simple answer and it depends on the web culture and the kind of information and knowledge it generates. (Robert Burnett, P. David Marshall, 2003, p: 20).Examples of existence of Radio and Television in the advent of web TechnologyIn the western world even in the era of web technology some groups get news and other information as a medium as opposed to web technology because of its appropriateness to some groups and in some contexts. For example if say a politician wants to convey a message then Television and radio is preferable to web technology as web technology is not accessible to may people and it has to have some interaction than the other medium and web technology is diffused than has a central point. That is the older technologies have their niche markets even in the advent of web technology and web technology supplements the other older technologies and they don’t replace overnight th ese technologies but in an evolutionary manner they enter in to our lives. The technology in itself has an impact on society.However as envisaged by the technological determinist theorists the dominant technology does not change in a revolutionary manner the society and other factors such as economic, Institutional, social patterns and cultural factors shape the use of technology and they play a part in shaping the society as a whole. In addition all previous technologies loose their transformation power after some time. For example Radio when invented promised a kind of utopian future for human knowledge, education and enhancement and change society in a revolutionary manner but radio did not realize this vision as envisaged by many technological determinist writers and powerful leaders at that time. It applies to Television as well.In addition news papers and libraries still exist side by side with web technology but they use web technologyTo advertise their services and to delive r services efficiently and expand markets as web technology is more spatial than the other technologies.ConclusionAs discussed above technology definitely to some extent shape our lives. However it does not shape our life in a revolutionary manner as proposed by the technological determinist theorists. Other factors play a part in shaping the technology itself and social, Institutional, political and cultural factors affect societies development and progress as well. In addition the new media technology as discussed above do not replace it but supplements and converge. It is also from the above discussion some theoretical insights in a limited manner applies to web technology as well in terms of its collective consciousness in some contexts and seeing web as a medium and the human-technological interface as theorized by some technological determinist theorists.In my view the Technological determinist theory is applicable in some circumstances and context but it is not applicable to web technology or any other technology that technology itself will transform society. However web technology compared to older technology has a potential to be in our day-to-day life in a long-term trajectory because of its versatility and its special communication medium.BibliographyRobert Burnett, P. David Marshall, (2003) Web Theory: An Introduction, Chapter 1: Web Technology, London & NY: Routledge, pp7-22
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Kinematics analysis of data Essay
From the data we gathered on this experiment, the effects of the height of the track can greatly affect the acceleration of the cart. Base on the data on the table, the higher the height of the track will have higher acceleration and will lead to higher sinÃŽ ¸. From this, it implies that the higher the displacement of the track will lead to the higher acceleration of the cart. The reason why the cart will have higher acceleration to higher displacement is because of the continues gravitational pull to the cart without restriction to its track. Time and the inclination of the track are interrelated to each other. As for the higher the inclination of the track will lead to shorter time to takes the cart to goes down to the track. The time will become shorter because as for the higher the inclination of the track will also have higher acceleration which means the cart will become faster and that’s why it will takes shorter time to goes down to the track. The difference between the picket fence’s acceleration and the value of g is the value of the slope of a graph of average velocity versus time will be the acceleration due to gravity of the falling object. And also the value of g is the computed value for the free fall acceleration, while the picket fence’s acceleration is the value that gathered by manual experimentation for the free fall acceleration, that is also why the data on the g of table 2 and the data on table 3 have the similarities on the digits or values.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
ramayana essays
ramayana essays The poetic author, Valmiki, does not calls Rama the perfect man in his well known tale of Ramayana for no reason. For this story has been a legendary epic that many generations of the Hindu culture have been modeling their society after, for over two thousand years. It has been an influential teaching for children and scholars of all ages because of its simplicity and exemplary concepts and virtues of the Hindu people. From childhood most Indians learn the characters and incidents of this epic and they furnish the morals, ideals and wisdom of common life. This epic helps to bind together the many peoples of India, transcending caste, distance and language by showing all the perfect way to practice dharma throughout one's life. As will be explored in this essay, one can derive many of the virtues of the Hindu culture and religion such as perfectionism, honesty, order, obedience and respect, and active asceticism through warfare. All these characteristics make a human being perfect and are achieved through the practice of dharma, as explicitly shown by the main character of Ramayana - Rama. Warfare is used in the Ramayana to express the ideas of dharma which is associated with Hinduism. In the Ramayana, warfare plays the role of religion and society. Rama lived his entire life in an exemplary manner - by the rules of dharma. When Rama was a young boy, he was the perfect son. Later he was an ideal husband to his faithful wife, Sita, and finally a responsible ruler of Aydohya. The first example of obedience and respect displayed by Rama is vivid when the news of his banishment, enforced by his own parents, are brought to him. He handles the situation with remarkably patient and wise attitude and says to his stepmother, "I gladly obey father's command ...Why, I would go even if you ordered it." By doing this and not fighting, he shows characteristics of great piety to his parents and the lack of desire to be a powerful and...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Situation Ethics Essay Sample
Situation Ethics Essay Sample Situation Ethics Essay One of the most controversial topics in ethics is called situational ethics. Basically, situation ethics is a doctrine in ethics which is based on the belief that our moral code â€Å"should be based on a case-to-case basis.†What makes this doctrine controversial is that more people subscribe to the opposite idea in which morality should be absolute and withstanding despite any other factors that come into play. In contrast with the laws established in any particular land or country, the ethics (which is how people subscribe and abide by those laws) are pre-established and are supposed to be absolute regardless of anything that happens. This is especially the case for the earliest establishment of the law and law enforcement, where anyone who goes beyond or outside the rules are not only considered ‘unethical’ but also sanctioned. However, as societies grow and change, they become open to new ideas which include the concept of openness to fresh perspectives. This is the reason why today laws include sub-clauses that give a little flexibility to anything that might happen, and anyone who would break the law must also prove that these exceptions (as dedicated by the law) have indeed happened. Nevertheless, the law and the ethics that comes with it today still remains absolute. This makes it more similar to situational ethics is that it has more flexibility despite the fact that it is not entirely a case-to-case basis just as what situational ethics stands for. Rather, the rule of law just includes what it thinks are all the possible solutions. However, there is an issue which the situations which might arise and which are not included in the coded law. This is another argument of those people who argue that situational ethics should prevail over these circumstances. A move that would consider the situation more rather than what the society prescribes based on statements written on a piece of paper. Aside from what has already stated above, situation ethics does not contradict the coded law which is at the societal level. Just as how it contradicts these societal constructs, situational ethics might also appear in resistance with our own personal belief systems. As we all know, our personal belief systems are based on our own culture and society which dictates what we should believe in. On a deeper level, these societal norms mold us more than the things and ideas that we can put into words. And, as people with these different personal beliefs clash with each other (e.g. people with a different religion) ethics based on the coded rules of each might fail to show who’s right, or at least resolve the conflict between these entities of different mindsets. This is another place where situational ethics could thrive. A place where different beliefs, that suggests different codes of ethics, crashes into each other and creates an anomie, or a phenomenon with the lack of social o r ethical standards within a group of people. By using situational ethics (e.g. respect for other people’s culture) in a place where cultural-based ethics (e.g. differences of meaning of particular gestures) clashes with one another, every other person could thrive and live peacefully with one another. Overall, it could be summarized from all the points stated above, that in most places different ethics (regional-based/constitutional) are determined by their own culture, mindset, and upbringing. However, as these differences meet and clash with each other, conflicts might arise. Therefore, in these conflicts, situational ethics can prove to be the best alternative in order for everyone to consolidate, reach a conclusion, and live together peacefully despite any and all differences that they have.
Saturday, November 2, 2019
What would you do Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
What would you do - Essay Example A friend had advised me that he had on occasion included a line item into his budget called a â€Å"Radio†item that would in essence make a lot of noise and attract attention but could be "unplugged" easily. He said that after the council focused all its attention on that item and it was finally removed, everything else would be approved with little question. The initial dilemma revolves around whether or not I would use some sort of ‘smoke and mirrors’ strategy to pass a budget that I personally believe to be sound. Or do I prepare a budget to the best of my ability and let it come under exceptional scrutiny. What this translates to is that I could examine this scenario from either an egoist perspective in which I would act in accordance with what I personally believe is in my own self interest or if I should view this situation under a utilitarian perspective in which I should choose the solution that brings the greatest good to the greatest number of people. There are a number of externalities to consider in this situation. One major concern is the decision making process of the town council. If it is the case that they are reasonable decision makers than it would be that I would possibly act differently if they are a group of vindictive or corrupt people. Secondly, special consideration must be made on the special conditions or items that I am placing in my own budget. For example, there may be a budget requirement that I believe is necessary for the effective running of a government bureau. If it is unlikely that a council will approve of this budgetary requirement, I may be persuaded to use some underhanded methods (Such as utilizing aggressive sales tactics) to educate the council of the benefits of this line item. Special consideration must be afforded to the idea that there may be some regulatory board that oversees my actions and if I were to use a ‘Radio’ tactic it may be that there are some serious legal ramifications that
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