Interesting college essay prompts
Friday, September 4, 2020
The Doomed Journey of Panfilo de Narvaez in Florida
The Doomed Journey of Panfilo de Narvaez in Florida Panfilo de Narvaez (1470-1528) was destined to a privileged family in Vallenda, Spain. Despite the fact that he was more seasoned than most Spaniards who looked for their fortunes in the New World, he all things considered was very dynamic in the early success time frame. He was a significant figure in the triumphs of Jamaica and Cuba in the years somewhere in the range of 1509 and 1512. He gained a notoriety for mercilessness; Bartolome de Las Casas, who was a minister on the Cuba battle, related appalling stories of slaughters and boss being scorched alive. In Pursuit of Cortes In 1518, the legislative leader of Cuba, Diego Velazquez, had sent the youthful conquistador Hernan Cortes off to Mexico to start the success of the territory. Velazquez soon lamented his activities, in any case, and chose to put another person in control. He sent Narvaez, with an enormous power of in excess of 1,000 Spanish warriors, to Mexico to assume responsibility for the campaign and send Cortes back to Cuba. Cortes, who was crushing the Aztec Empire, needed to leave the as of late curbed capital of Tenochtitlan to come back to the coast to battle Narvaez. The Battle of Cempoala On May 28, 1520, the powers of the two conquistadores conflicted at Cempoala, close to introduce day Veracruz, and Cortes won. A significant number of Narvaez’s officers abandoned when the fight, joining Cortes. Narvaez himself was imprisoned in the port of Veracruz for the following two years, while Cortes held control of the undertaking and the tremendous riches that accompanied it. A New Expedition Narvaez came back to Spain subsequent to being discharged. Persuaded that there were increasingly well off domains like the Aztecs toward the north, he mounted an endeavor that was destined to get one of the most amazing disappointments ever. Narvaez got consent from King Charles V of Spain to mount an endeavor into Florida. He set sail in April 1527 with five boats and around 600 Spanish fighters and travelers. Expression of the wealth earned by Cortes and his men made discovering volunteers simple. In April 1528, the endeavor arrived in Florida, close to introduce day Tampa Bay. By at that point, huge numbers of the warriors had abandoned, and just around 300 men remained. Narvaez in Florida Narvaez and his men awkwardly advanced inland, assaulting each clan they met. The campaign had brought inadequate supplies and made due by looting pitiful Native American storage facilities, which caused vicious reprisal. The conditions and absence of food made numerous in the organization become sick, and inside half a month, 33% of the individuals from the campaign were seriously debilitated. The going was extreme since Florida was then loaded with waterways, bogs, and backwoods. The Spanish were slaughtered and taken out by perturbed locals, and Narvaez made a progression of strategic bungles, including regularly isolating his powers and never looking for partners. The Mission Fails The men were biting the dust, took out separately and in little gatherings by local assaults. Supplies had run out, and the campaign had distanced each local clan it had experienced. With no plan to set up such a settlement and with no assistance coming, Narvaez chose to prematurely end the crucial come back to Cuba. He had put some distance between his boats and requested the development of four huge pontoons. The Death of Panfilo de Narvaez It isn't known for certain where and when Narvaez kicked the bucket. The last man to see Narvaez alive and recount it was Alvar Nunez Cabeza de Vaca, a lesser official of the endeavor. He related that in their last discussion, he approached Narvaez for help the men on Narvaezs pontoon were preferred taken care of and more grounded over those with Cabeza de Vaca. Narvaez won't, fundamentally saying â€Å"every man for himself,†as indicated by Cabeza de Vaca. The pontoons were destroyed in a tempest and just 80 men endure the sinking of the pontoons; Narvaez was not among them. The Aftermath of the Narvaez Expedition The principal significant attack into present-day Florida was a finished disaster. Of the 300 men who arrived with Narvaez, just four eventually endure. Among them was Cabeza de Vaca, the lesser official who had requested assistance yet gotten none. After his pontoon sunk, Cabeza de Vaca was subjugated by a neighborhood clan for quite a long while some place along the Gulf Coast. He figured out how to get away and get together with three different survivors, and together them four returned overland to Mexico, showing up somewhere in the range of eight years after the endeavor arrived in Florida. The ill will brought about by the Narvaez undertaking was to such an extent that it took the Spanish years to build up a settlement in Florida. Narvaez has stood out forever as one of the most savage yet clumsy conquistadors of the pilgrim period.
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Marketing your self Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Showcasing your self - Essay Example test concurred me with what involves a â€Å"30-second commercial†consequently raising my concentration and consideration regarding such business since they may hold the way in to an incredible opening for work. The â€Å"riffle approach†to showcasing on the web as characterized in the test is significant in guaranteeing an exact and viable online introduction where potential businesses could follow me. The test additionally familiar me with the realities that there are less employments notices. This encourages me to adjust different roads of looking for a vocation and the information that occupations are there despite the fact that they don't include in adverts. The information on having different, compelling and noticeable resumes online is very vital in light of the fact that it causes me make a stage to advertise myself for a vocation on the web. Nonetheless, the way that not all resumes get consideration urges me to stay reliable and steady on my activity entries. By the by, the test advised me against taking a resume to a system meeting as it brings down ones believability. The data on systems administration will assist me with sharing data and contacts on openings for work with others where 65%-85% of occupations come through systems administration. The test educated me on the significance regarding scholarly undertakings and temporary positions in prospective employee meetin gs. The assessment educated on the best way to treat work necessities before going to a meeting. This is noteworthy as it sets the base capabilities for any activity. Taking everything into account, the test sets me up to showcase myself, work looking, going to a meeting, and arranging a proposition for employment (Alobaidali
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Some Like It Hot – Station Sequence
In the past succession, Joe imitated a ladylike voice to find a new line of work with Jerry in a gathering of female artists. Be that as it may, an ellipsis manages their camouflage, darkened by a progression shot. Along these lines it is a way two new ladylike characters who show up on the stage. This succession likewise denotes the presence of Sugar/Marilyn and the encounter of the single men with ‘a totally extraordinary sex'. 1. Following in with a foundation of anxious jazz : a nearby shot shows the rear of the two artists, from midriff to heels.We remember them on account of their instruments : on the left, with the bandylegs which barely hang on the high heels have a place with the player of twofold bass, Jerry. On the right, Joe strolls all the more straight ahead, yet the muscles of his calves are not less protruding. The additional items who overwhelm them are for the most part men, what significantly more face up their womanliness. 2. From that point now, the followi ng out shows us the â€Å"result†of the mask in the face.Joe, made up elegantly, makes a probable and rich lady, his white hide neckline appearing differently in relation to his dim dresses; Jerry, with his progressively unrestrained leopardskin neckline improved by a stir and by a twofold plume on his cloche cap, blends in his garments hairs, quills and petals. His lipstick broadens generally past his upper lip, we surmise he is stress on account of a frown. In voice-more than, a declaration of the station tells that the train which Joe and Jerry prepare to take is the â€Å"Florida Limited†, that goes to Miami.The performers along these lines land the position in the young ladies' ensemble, however will they experience the trial of the mask? 3. 4. Close shots on Joe, at that point on Jerry, every one of them appears to take a withdrew articulation in a feeble willed way. They permit to see nearer how every demonstration like a lady : Joe, snickering, looking aside, is in the register of enchantment. Jerry, in unending modification, sways between the young lady (when he opens wide eyes) and the woman 5. 6. 7. Follow-up of the following in the back.First stagger of Jerry, who curves his lower leg in light of his high heels. It isn't the first occasion when he protests since Joe, even minded (their point is to get in the train to get away from the hoodlums) is bothered by his languishments. Tony Curtis, with his pale and powdered composition, his half-shut eyelids as though he was at that point exhausted to be veiled as a lady, lets to Jack Lemmon an astounding and unnecessary palette of face appearances. (6). Bowed advances, Jerry continues rehashing the sex change, unfit to be utilized to the shows which administer the ladylike dress. How might they stroll on these things? †Joe's extremely coarse and anatomical answer (â€Å"Must be the manner in which their weight is distributed†) straightforwardly foresees the presence of Sugar, diversely â€Å"distributed†to be sure. After there is a converse shot on the line of artists who jumps on the train (7) supplies a lot of examples who adds to Jerry's frenzy (â€Å"It's no utilization. We'll never pull off it†. Not generally come to know each detail of his character, he turns his look to a perfect model. 8. 9.Catching, off screen, the eyes of the two on-screen characters assuming a female job, Sugar additionally shows up, â€Å"cut in two†at the belt-level. The music topic totally changes for a more slow however hotter jazz (the quieted trumpet replaces the saxophone). As Jerry, she is wearing a quill on her cap, and her ukulele, she is holding like a ladylike adornment, appears to be a smaller than normal bass. These are the initial two regular focuses, still prudent, of a connection in reflect among Daphne and Sugar who will go on all through the film.When she passes by close Joe and Jerry, the looks center around the base of her body in s o fixing a path like in an animation (the look of the lewd wolf of Tex Avery) 10. a. Front/behind : as opposed to Joe and Jerry, Sugar is recorded from the start by face at the top, at that point by back, at the base. In point 2, the tension centered the desire for the observer on the change (what will Curtis and Lemmon resemble in lady? ); here, the tension is in a way sexual : once Marilyn is distinguished by face, the inquiry concerns her garments, how her figure is emphasized.We likewise notice that Marilyn's acting is as rich as that of her two accomplices : rippling her lashes, moving her lips, moving step, she exaggerates womanliness nearly as much as Lemmon and Curtis 10. b. The reverberation of point 9 with point 1 is hindered by the fume shoot which, from the train, shocks Sugar. The objective is to point Marilyn's base. In point 6, Jerry whined about drafts under his dress, implying the anatomical distinction among man and lady yet in addition to the way that the camoufla ge shows him : it is an exposure.More than the draft, the white fume impact appears the craving which has recently sprung from this first gathering : Sugar is truly â€Å"whistled†by the train. He likewise places Sugar in trial female subject : how can she respond? How can she move? How can she continue strolling after this hitch? 11. †it resembles jello on springs! †. As a kid who brought a toy into pieces to perceive how it functions, Jerry addresses the anatomical distinction, ponders about female mechanics and as of now finds in Sugar a model to be imitated, while Joe, completely overwhelmed, is brought somewhere around adoration from the outset sight.The left and the privilege of the shot are isolated by an undetectable fringe among dramatization and comic. 12. At the point when the paperboy shows up, the title texts of the paper (the hoodlums are searching for the observers of the slaughter) unquestionably position the mask. In spite of what Joe guarantees , Jerry and him won't stop this disguise. On the off chance that they need to live, they need to renewed in ladies, go over the shot and mix in the opposite shot, join the line of fair ladies with cap and instrument. 13. It is a triumph. Them two are credible.Nevertheless Jerry, who isn't totally changed at this point, experiences issues in talking all the more piercing. â€Å"You two from the Poliakoff Agency? †â€Å"Yes, we're the new young ladies. †â€Å"Brand new†. This first joke of a long arrangement done by Jerry sells out his celebration to be between two genders. 14. 15. 16. 17. This arrangement of shots and opposite shots sets up, between the two men, a sort of â€Å"every man for himself†: Jerry shocks Josephine by renaming Daphne, Josephine develops a tale about the Sheboygan Conservatory of Music (This city truly exists in Wisconsin).Their first discussion with â€Å"Sweet†Sue presents an intersection of outskirt from a sex to the next one, yet in addition a time travel. On board this train, the transvestites travel with twenty-year-old young ladies, in an air of day camp bossed around by an iron woman. 18. First ladylike misfortune of Jerry (Bienstock squeezes his base). Be that as it may, both are perceived as â€Å"real ladies†: this comment of the main man of the troop seems like a birth authentication.
Organic Livestock Marketing Cooperative Assignment
Natural Livestock Marketing Cooperative - Assignment Example OLYMCO is driven by the mission to turn into the biggest advertiser of natural meat and sheep in the UK. The way to accomplishing this crucial in the longing to give the client esteem as far as the nature of the item combined with exceptionally serious costs and to guarantee total straightforwardness in their tasks. We exist to pull in and hold clients. Insights of the market and rivalry have been gathered. A definite study of client inclinations and faithfulness drivers was likewise completed (Section 9.6). This data will help upgrade development and support benefit and development. Red meat is an essential food showcase where deals have recorded minimal development (DEFRA, 2006); values have ascended, as purchasers have been happy to exchange up to progressively advantageous cuts (Cooper, 2006). The Organic Market Report 2006 uncovers the greatest increment in deals to be in natural meat and poultry. In 2005, the ranch door estimation of natural meat and poultry was an expected 129m, a 59% expansion on 2004 (Watts, 2006). The interest is anticipated to develop soon particularly as more advantageous and all the more sensibly valued item opens up, the dread of the 'distraught dairy animals' ailment lessens and with dangers of avian influenza decreasing deals of (Poultry World, 2006).This is regardless of expectations to the opposite two or three years sooner (see Buss, 2004). Albeit British retailers are feeling the squeeze to source increasingly natural nourishments indigenously, it is discovered that imported natural meats include practically 20% of all out dea ls volume (Research and Markets).The balance among gracefully and request stays tight (Davies, 2006). Aside from the retail exchange, there is popularity for natural meats from food processors and the cooking part. There is likewise rising interest from eateries, schools, medical clinics and government associations (Research and Markets). 4.1 Market Demographics The profile of OLYMCO's client comprises of the accompanying geographic, segment, and conduct factors. Geographic: The quick objective is the people living inside the UK - a populace of about 61 million. Of this, around 25 percent are veggie lovers and other people who don't eat either sort of meat. The limits of the nation characterize the geological region to be secured. Segment: All individuals more than 20 years of age, speaking to more than 70 percent of the absolute populace. Clients having a place with the An and AB classifications, for example having a yearly family unit salary over 25,000. Conduct Factors: From the consequences of the purchaser review directed, the clients are: Ready to pay a premium for greater, more delicious meats, Will in general belittle more excellent eateries, and are Conscious about their wellbeing 4.2 Customer
Friday, August 21, 2020
Pestel Analysis Of The Steel Industry Economics Essay
Pestel Analysis Of The Steel Industry Economics Essay Indian steel is doing admirably from numerous years. Steel industry is contributing close about 1.2% in the absolute GDP. On account of the mechanical development and other significant advancements happening everywhere throughout the world the so fast ascent popular of the steel is seen in this division. The significant players in the steel business are SAIL (Steel Authority of India.) TATA STEEL and ESSAR STEEL. Indian steel primarily contributes in the completed prepares, semi-completed steel, pig iron and tempered steel. Private segment assumes significant job in the Indian steel industry. The private segment in the steel business contributes roughly 2/third of the absolute market of the steel. With the developing position steel industry is supporting in the constant development in the financial. Asian nations are ahead of the pack with the creation of the steel, china is the top maker among the Asian nations which are contributing high a gracefully of the steel in the worldwide market.419million ton of the steel is delivered uniquely in the china. In recent years there are numerous acquisitions and mergers are occurring in the steel business. May be this could be the one reason behind this gigantic development comprehensively. After the china nation, Japan, India, and South Korea. India is contributing aggregate of the 53million ton steel in worldwide market. The japan is creating just 9% of the steel which is added to the worldwide steel advertise. India is additionally one of the significant regions in the creation of the steel. The east, south, and west districts are significant for the steel business in India. The quick extension is normal in the east area, Orissa in light of the fact that the accessibility of the unrivaled crude material. In India in light of the fact t hat the tremendous accessibility of assets and significant industry players India is getting a charge out of the blast in this area which are mindful of the development in the GDP as indicated by the review which is finished by the DEUTSHE BANK where the investigation is finished with point by point study of 34 economies in country. It is seen that India will appreciate the normal development of 5.5% in the middle of the year 2006 to year 2010. The normal is watched for the, where as 5.4% to the Malaysia. The opening up the economies in the worldwide market is liable for the high interest in the business part where loads of acquisitions and mergers are going on in the business. The PESTEL ANALYSIS of the business is partitioned into five sections which can be examined as follows: P-political examination E-financial examination S-socio - culture examination T-mechanical examination E-ecological investigation L-legitimate investigation. POLITICAL ANALYSIS: Political investigation incorporates the elements which can impact the business. It is incorporated the political factor which incorporates the approach offered by the administration to the particular segment. Here for this part government presents the National Steel Policy. The principle focus on the acquaintance of this approach is with fill the hole between the interest and flexibly of the steel. To expand the creation is likewise fundamental movement is structured under this arrangement. To build the creation as much as million ton is additionally the primary target of the strategy. Under this strategy the unique impetuses are intended for the steel area. Motivations like the cut in the obligation, zero obligation on imports, arrangement of the land and other infrastructural offices are the offices accommodated the steel part. Under this strategy the legislature is urge to the utilization the full open doors accessible in the PUBLIC AND PRIVATE PATNERSHIP (PPP). With the developing business the administration is expanded the business charge from the 15%to 20% where as 75% FDI (remote direct speculation) is permitted in the business this plan additionally gives the different concessions in the custom obligations. In spite of the fact that there is an ascent in the foundation offices in the nation yet considering the steel business the current state of the framework isn't adequate in the nature .due to the need foundation steel industry is confronting numerous issues Prudent ANALYSIS: STEEL industry is worry to be a blasting industry from past decades. Opening up with the different economies the remote direct venture is the occurred in this segment the different outside players are intrigued to put resources into the nation. Under the different economies plans there is consent ahead of time permitting plan which permits the obligation free imports of crude material for trades. However, with the blast in the business GDP is increasing at moderate rate. The steel business is additionally confronting the issue of the subprime emergency happens in the US before 15 months. On account of the subprime emergency there is sick impact happens in the car business, framework and different business which are connected with the steel business. There is tremendous hole between the interest and the flexibly of the steel in the general public. SOCIO-CULTURE: The socio culture is one of the significant perspective in the examination of the business it depicts the effect of the specific business on the general public. Moreover the steel business likewise give the support to the lasting work to the individuals yet then again it isolates the territory in to the country and urban division in light of the fact that the business is just in the specific zone just which prompts the specific improvement of that region just and not in general the advancement . in view of the working conditions the individuals which are utilized in the steel business confronted numerous medical issues which are serious in the nature and numerous ventures are not giving the consideration on the wellbeing of the representatives. Any sort of the recompenses are not given to the workers. Steel industry is additionally liable for the advancement in the country division which prompts the ascent in the standard of the living of the individuals. Specialized: The customary advancements are being utilized from numerous years in the business. There is no advancement in the utilization of the strategy in the creation procedure. The Tata steel is building up a similar strategy is by which the support is given to the exchanging of the steel. Goodbye and sail presents the web based exchanging of the steel. Just the electric heater is being utilized now days in the creation procedure but since of the vacillations in the vitality there is wastage in the crude material. The fundamental advancements are utilized in the creation procedure are essential circular segment, enlistment heater and electric heater which are obsolete in the nature. Sail the one of the main steel industry India is intending to set up an arrangement with PASCO for utilizing the most recent innovation named à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‹Å"FINEXà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢. Natural: In spite of the fact that the steel business is empowering the numerous parts and the empowering the advancement it is making the troublesome condition in the nature. The every single driving industry are following the natural demonstrations which are proclaimed by the legislatures, however it is making extremely terrible effect on the earth. Numerous ventures are utilizing the contamination control hardware and vitality sparing gear yet that isn't adequate in the nature. The least significance is given to the ecological angle. Be that as it may, the Tata steel is empowering the ecofriendly framework, to lessen the emanation the co2 gas during the creation procedure. Goodbye is building up the Ultra-Low Carbon steel making where there will be decrease in the natural misfortune. Legitimate: Government is presenting the different principles and guidelines of this specific industry. The administration is going to giving the more consideration in the wellbeing strategies of the representatives which are working with the steel business. Exceptional wellbeing motivating forces and rules are presented in the steel business. End: From above conversation and studies we come to think about how the pestel examination is done in the business we additionally come to think about the political, financial, and specialized viewpoint are significant for the advancement of the specific business if these components are not in the supporting in the kindness of the business then the business may confront a few outcomes. REFERENCES USED:
Thursday, August 6, 2020
Keeping Joy in the Classroom
Keeping Joy in the Classroom How do we keep joy in our classrooms â€" for both students and teachers? Teaching today is nothing like it was in the past. Gone are the days of loose curriculum, infrequent observations by your principal, and learning cursive; we now have structured lessons, unannounced walkthroughs by both the principal and the superintendent, and a lack of downtime. How do we keep joy in our classrooms â? for the kids and also for us? Take a look at some tips for continuing to make teaching and learning fun. 1. Use Classroom Decorations Pinterest, Teachers Pay Teachers, and TeacherVision are three incredible resources you can utilize to find educational and fun decorations for your classroom. I have found creative charts to help teach my fourth graders place value, fractions, and geometry. Iâ?ve also found crafts, holiday decorations, and more. These websites offer a mix of free and for-purchase items and ideas. In my experience, some of the freebies are incredibly cool, and some of the for-purchase items are well worth the money as well â? you just have to be diligent in your search. One of my favorite TpT creators is Jennifer Findley. 2. Supplement the Curriculum Suppose youâ?re teaching a lesson about how to find the main idea of a text using a particular curriculum. You teach in a fairly similar manner from day-to-day, and occasionally the kids groan before another one of your main idea lessons. Switch it up! A simple Google (or TeacherVision) search of â?main idea text (insert grade)â produces thousands of results. Take a few moments to look through the absolutely immense amount of resources the internet provides and give your students something new. Different representations of the same topic not only prevent students from becoming bored, but variation promotes a higher level of student engagement. One of my absolute favorite ways to supplement my curriculum is to use Task Cards, which generally involves 12-24 tasks that relate to inferring, multiplication, word problems, or main idea. In fact, almost any topic can be found under a â?task cardâ search. 3. Make Positive Reinforcement Fun! I am a huge proponent of avoiding punishment whenever possible in favor of positive reinforcement. Taking the time to create a system that works for you will undoubtedly result in better behavior in your classroom. Some may think that kids should all have intrinsic motivation, but letâ?s be real: rewards work for adults too! In my classroom, I have two forms of positive reinforcement â? â?personalâ and â?whole class.â Personal: For the studentsâ? personal reinforcement, I offer tickets. The kids receive tickets for doing something â?good.â The definition of â?goodâ changes from day-to-day: it depends on my mood, who I happen to notice, and so on. Then, a few times a year, the kids can use their tickets to buy items from my classroom store. Yes, I supply the items for the classroom store myself, but hoo-boy does it motivate. I get the majority of my items from the Target dollar section, and sometimes I have very generous kiddos donate old toys and things they donâ?t need anymore. The kids go crazy for fuzzy socks, pens, pencils, stickers, erasers, stuffed animals, yo-yos, slinkies â? really anything. Sometimes I buy party favors in packs of 12, separate them out, and put those in the store. The kids are so thrilled to be able to take home a tangible reward and the incentive is so high that the tickets really promote good behavior. Other examples of positive, individual reinforcement include using Class Dojo to give students points, which then connect to a parent's email address. This allows for parents to receive updates in real time, which in itself can motivate students, and also helps to keep track of who has been rewarded. Whole Class: For the whole class, I bought a â?Catching Complimentsâ poster from Really Good Stuff. (It looks like my poster is no longer available, but you could use this poster in a similar way.) When the whole class does a great job in math, or at recess, or at lunch, or during a specialist, or Iâ?m just feeling nice, Iâ?ll give them one of the 100 baseballs that came on the Catching Compliments chart. When they collectively reach 100 baseballs, they get a whole class reward. These rewards have included pajamas, movies, chewing gum, bringing in a stuffed animal, reading parties, extra recess, and more. It typically takes my class two to three months to receive all 100 baseballs, and it makes the whole class reward even more special. The same sort of reinforcement could be achieved with a jar of marbles, beads, stars, etc, or with stickers on a chart. 4. Allow for Choice As much as you can, give the kids choices. While this isnâ?t always possible, there are ways to promote student choice. If your school has an intervention time, or a â?What I Needâ (WIN) block, create a menu of student options. Recently, my WIN time menu has included Greek myths, multiplication practice, a persuasive essay piece, informational task cards, and multi-step word problems in math. These activities are considered Must-Do, and if they finish all Must-Dos, they can move on to optional choices. Another great way to allow for choice is by using Seesaw, a website that allows for students to represent their learning in a variety of ways. I have used Seesaw during assessments to allow students the choice of typing, voice recording, or writing by hand. They definitely enjoy filming themselves talking! 5. Incorporate Fun as Often as Possible Even though we currently have more on our plate as teachers than ever before, give yourself and your students a break every so often. Throw in a random extra recess for no reason â? research shows that variable reinforcement (giving people rewards on a non-set schedule) actually produces the best results. Include a morning meeting in your day as a part of the Responsive Classroom model to promote classroom community, allow for a greeting, and let the kids share. Let parents come in and run a craft â? they love feeling involved, and kids need help with their fine motor skills! Lastly, include games as a part of education â? Pinterest is a wonderful resource for this. My students love the game Prodigy for math help, which is completely aligned with the Common Core standards. All in all, even though we have a lot going on when it comes to teaching our kids, we owe it to them and to ourselves to continue to make learning fun. Happy kids make for happy teachers, and a content classroom will undoubtedly produce more effective learning! How do you keep joy in the classroom? 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Monday, June 22, 2020
Analytical Essay on The Crucible
Analytical Essay on The Crucible The Crucible is a play by Arthur Miller that was written and published in 1953. It is loosely based on facts about Salem witch trials that happened in 1692 and 1693. On the other hand, the play is believed to be an allegory on McCarthyism, the practice of accusing people without having enough evidence. Thus, both have striking resemblance, and the author wanted to show how helpless and doomed a person might be when unfairly accused by those in power (e.g. court, state, police). Salem witch trial and allegory on McCarthyism are the two levels of this plays interpretation (the explicit and the implicit ones). Those, who are not familiar with the context in which the play was written, will more likely not understand the implicit meaning of it. The play is a playwrights reaction to events that took place during the McCarthy era in the first half of 1950s. A lot of Americans were accused of being communists, spreading communist propaganda, or being soviet spies. Very often such accusations were false, however it soon developed into mass hysteria, with many people becoming victims of such injustice. Arthur Miller saw similarities between McCarthyism and Salem witch trials which resulted in writing this play. Talking about the main characters, we can point out an antagonist and a protagonist: Abigail Williams and John Proctor respectively. It all started when they both had an affair while Abigail worked as a maid for the Proctor house. In fact, it was Abigail who accused a slave woman of being a witch trying to explain reverend Parris daughter illness. Soon she realizes that such accusations can be used as a means of manipulating people, for example accusing Proctors wife of witchcraft is a way to be with Proctor again. Other people join Abigail even if they know that accusations are false, but they realize that it is better to accuse someone rather than be accused themselves. This mass hysteria is supported by people who have authority: judge John Hathorne and deputy governor Thomas Danforth. The author draws a parallel between the authority in Salem and the U.S. Government in the 50s, who were both too blind and ignorant to see that all the accusations were made by people because their own self-interest, or just because of foolishness. The protagonist, John Proctor, trying to save his wife was also accused of witchcraft by Abigail. He has to make a choice: understanding all the absurd of the trial, he may confess to being guilty and save his life, but be condemned by all the citizens of Salem for the rest of his life, or to deny all the accusations and be sentenced to death, but having a clear conscience. So, he chooses the latter. Arthur Millers play shows us how cruel and foolish people may be, no matter whether it is the 17th century, or the 20th. With all the technological and scientific progress that happened during this period, he doubts that people have become any wiser. He also depicts authority as a cruel machine that is only capable of imposing punishment to people without even knowing whether they are guilty or not. Tips on Writing an Analytical Essay on a Work of Fiction: When analyzing a work of fiction, try focusing on a specific character, concept or a story line. Make an attention catching claim in your thesis statement. For that, two sentences would be enough. Use examples from the work of fiction you are analyzing to support the claim you have made. That is also a good indicator that you have read the work carefully enough to notice the details. An outline always apply. Whatever kind of essay you are writing, an outline will help you to keep your thoughts organized. AdvancedWriters provides students with custom written essays on different topics. You can buy analytical essay online and your paper will be written by certified writers. 3.00 avg. rating (2 votes)
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